Are bantu knots work appropriate?

Fine 4s

Well-Known Member
I'm debating whether to wear my bantu knots to work on Monday.
They look something like this:

My environment is business casual (quasi state agency), no unscheduled meetings with clients and some people really dress down. I see bantu knots as a 'funky' hairstyle like mohawks. I like it but not sure if I can be sent home :perplexed (semi joke)

Updated 9/17/09
Here are the looooooooooong overdue pics...
The white stuff on my edges in the front is MT LOLOL! Gross.


  • Bantu Knot 1.jpg
    Bantu Knot 1.jpg
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I would lean towards no bc I, like you, consider them funky. However, assuming they're as neat as the ones in the pic and your work environment is on the lax side of things, a strong maybe?????

(Sorry, I know that doesn't help)
I think the ones in the pic are very nice and neat and would pass... though with a lot of curious stares to be sure (speaking for my work environment).
Fine S there are a few naturals who work at my Job. I work for a high end surveillance company at the corporate office. There are two account executives who wear neat bantu knots (like the one pictured on the link) on a regular basis. They always look professional to me. I have seen them wear them with 3-piece business skirt suits to casual jeans and a nice blouse. Hope that helps.
Not at my job. I think it depends on the tone of your workplace. I live the the conservative south, and I would never wear my hair like that to work. No one would take me serious as a professional down here. We don't have a hair code, but I just know how it would go.
As long as your hair is not blue or unkempt it should be acceptable. I remember a time when only relaxed hair was considered professional and I don't think we should support such intolerance. I'm a doc, which is generally pretty professional and I wear my hair in any neat way I please. If I knew how to do Bantu knots I'd certainly rock them. But I'd challenge anyone to claim more professional attire or demeanor than I have.
not at all. why not wear the bantu knots to bed, and let 'em loose in the morning for a bantu set?

ETA: i just read you work in a casual work environment. even so... i'd err on the side of caution. you wouldn't wear a pin curl set to work, would you? i put pin curls (still pinned) and bantu knots in the same category.
Personally, I wouldn't wear bantu knots outside the house. I don't like them.

I wouldn't do it.
I don't like wearing them all knotted up outside of the house. Would never wear them to work...unless I was the boss.
I would not do it, personally.

I agree with another poster that said it is not something that they would wear outside of the house.

Yes, it is neat, but it is not a style that I like. It has nothing to do with relaxed vs natural. It looks the same on both heads.
Ladies, I am ROCKIN' my bantu knots today at work!
No unusual stares, in fact a couple of compliments, not....[interrupted] by my first caucasian co-worker who wanted to touch lol... I can't wait to do it again but BETTER.
I had my hair in box braids and decided to play with them as I watched a movie so the parts are not straight, this weekend was supposed to be my wash weekend so they look a lil' dry (had to use my expired sheen spray to fake the funk) But I am ROCKIN' it ladies...WORK!

I'll post pics later....
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No, it is not acceptable in my work environment :nono:. When I was natural, however, I would rock my natural hair with no problem.
I have wondered about this myself - not sure how it would go down in my office... I wouldn't do it unless I had time to do them very small and neat on me though. Wanna see your pics!
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I don't like wearing them all knotted up outside of the house. Would never wear them to work...unless I was the boss.

I am the boss and I would NEVER wear them to work. I have sent admin employees home for overly spiky hair, for pink, blue or purple hair and for fuzzy braids mohawaks and frohawaks. I don't care what race you are, we are a conservative company so go express yourself on your own time.

That said I am no heat transitioning and wear buns, braid outs, have attempted to wear WNG's, compliment those natural heads at work who can rock neat TWA and some not so little ones. Braids, twists etc all OK as long as they are neat.

In our graphic arts or marketing department, it would be fine.

I work in a corporate environment and wear my hair any way I choose...bantu's included. Folks just need to get used to all the ways Black people wear their hair...

I WISH my boss would say something...I really need that lawsuit money :)
I work in a corporate environment and wear my hair any way I choose...bantu's included. Folks just need to get used to all the ways Black people wear their hair...

I WISH my boss would say something...I really need that lawsuit money :)

Not trying to start a debate but I don't think that it is a black thing. Some corporate environments require you to look professional.

For example, where I work (I am the boss) white people can not sport a mohawk. What makes me think that I can sport a 'frohawk?

I think in some corporate environments this may be acceptable if the person wearing this hairstyle does not come in contact with the public.

Again, I am just trying to understand ...
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Looking professional is subjective. I am a customer facing employee & attend meetings at my clients (Deutche Bank, Bovis Lend-Lease, TIAA-CREF, Lending Tree etc) locations quite often.

Last week I was at the LIRR offices for a few long as my hair doesn't smell i'm cool.
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I don't know if bantu knots are professional. I always think of them as a "home" hairstyle. I wear them to create a style, not as a style. As a style I consider them dated more than anything. It's like wearing "dookie" braids or something IMO. It's just something that rings very 90s to me.
LOL! @ "very 90's" ancestors have worn bantu's forever. I'm proud to wear this simple hairdo. I don't generally take my hair or style cues from today's trends.
I think a lot of people probably felt like braids and twists were not professional either (I'm sure some people still do) and there have been lawsuits over them in the past. Now they seem to be more accepted in "conservative" work places.

I work in a medical environment and believe me, no one takes me any the less serious for having my hair that way. As long as they're not unkempt, I don't see the problem. I understand not liking a hairstyle. I hate those gel-shellacked french rolls I see all the time at work, but I don't call them unprofessional.

Anyway OP I'm glad you had a good experience wearing your knots :)
When I was natural I use to wear all my natural hairstyles to work and didn't give a damn what people said. But back then I was much younger, and more liberal. Plus I worked in retail. But now, I wouldn't wear bantu knots to my office job since I pass that stage in my life of being a rebel.