Are All The Vitamins Really Worth It??


Hey Everyone:D First off, I must admit that I have been sneaking around the boards for the last month and have only recently become brave enough to register...
Secondly, I must thank you all for the wonderful, honest, and loving advice, warnings, and censure on this forum. My hair has already become healthier and grown longer than it ever has before!!

Anywho, about the subject in hand... As a biochemistry and biophysics major, I have been wary of the use of vitamins to enhance hair growth. It seems to be working very well for many of you, yet at the same time I have to wonder about the interactions these vitamins may have with other chemicals in the body, as well as with other medications and/or supplements. I recognize most of the chemicals, and the amount that some people are taking frighten me. I did some research, and came across this article:

Many members seem to exceed the amounts suggested here. So I guess my questions are...

  • Have any of you experienced any negative reactions with these vitamins/supplements? Either alone or in conjunction with other vitamins/supplements/medications/diseases, etc.? Are the effects of these pills worth the monetary and/or physical setbacks? And lastly, which ones actually work?
Biotin seems fairly safe to me
, but I know I read another post which mentioned bleeding with MSM... which was stabilized by some sort of birth control? So... please help! Any info would be appreciated! Sorry for such a long post! Thanks!
Welcome to the boards!

I've always been sporadic about taking my vitamins. I'm just forgetful. But I have talked with my doctor about what I was taking and he didn't seem to have any concerns about any of the supplements or the amounts. I am changing my vitamin regimen so I'll be sure to make note of any alarming changes.
I dont take extremely high doses of anything because the way I see it is, your body rids itself of the excess amounts through urination anyway.

Im sporatic with mine as well, need to get better about it though. But I know when I took them for a good 6 weeks daily, my hair was growing fast! I dont take a million, usually just a multi, b complex, and biotin.
Thanks for the feedback Leslie:) Could you please tell me what brand of vitamins you were taking at that time? Do you think the brand name even matters?
Hey Skydancer! Welcome!

I dont take any vitamins. I just try to exercise and eat healthy. There is a thread about a lot of people having fast growth by increasing their protein intake. I will try to find it for you!
skydancer, I just take generic walmart vitamins. Some ppl like the better quality ones bc they are absorbed faster, but personally I dont think there is much of a difference. I mean biotin is biotin right? kinda like generic groceries, its the same thing in a plain

So I think u will get results from any brand if u are consistent.
Hi Skydancer,

I like your avatar. To answer your question, I used to take several milligrams - mg- (not micrograms, mcg) of biotin when I first started out. It threw off my periods - and I had been always been clockwork regular previously. I tried it again later but...same problem. So I stopped.

As for MSM (which I haven't taken in a long time), Pantothenic Acid, Follate, and Viviscal, which I take when I remember to, they got the ok from my doc. HTH.

I agree...everything in moderation...
No it's not necessary. I just recently pared my vitamins down really simple. I take a multi-vitamin, biotin, and MSM. I used to take a essential oil complex but it made my skin oilier. I might take it in the winter time where it might be more beneficial.
Thanks for the info, everyone:] Are any of you getting a noticeable amount of growth from your current vitamin regimen? And if so, about how much?
I think for me they're worth it! Since I've start taking them my hair is much healthier!- even my beatician can see the difference! BUT I ALSO CONSULT WITH MY DOC ON SOME THINGS BECAUSE I HAVE HIGH BLOOD & MY PROTEIN COUNT RUNS A LITTLE HIGH AT TIMES ( I HAVE BLOOD WORK DONE SOMETIME )But as far as side affects the only thing I notice is facial breakouts at times!!!!! I CAN DEAL W/ THAT.
Thanks Carletta:D Just a little update here. So I have been taking biotin for a little over a week now. I have not had any problems as far as side effects, so I think I may start taking the MSM too.

Did a little more info scouring about hair supplements... and I noted that several of you take (or have taken) HF37. It seems effective, yet pricey. I found this article: which states that 2 almost identical pills can be taken for a fraction of the cost... check out the rest of her site too, very informative! Anywho:

HF37- Step One ($25.00! Step Two is also $25!)
Niacin 70mg
Folic Acid 800mcg
Vitamin B-12 12mcg
Biotin 200mcg
Pantothenic Acid 200mg
Iron 4mg
Iodine 300mcg
Zinc 30mg
Manganese 10mg
Choline 1000mg
Inositol 250mg
Para Amino Benzoic Acid 60mg

HF37- Herbal Enhancer Booster ($19.99)
Horsetail (Mu Zei) 50mg
FoTi 50mg
Vitamin A 2000IU
Vitamin B-12 20mcg
Pantothenic Acid 20mg
Folic Acid 200mcg
Biotin 100mcg
Niacinamide 20mg
Choline 20mg
Inositol 20mg
Linoleic Acid 20mg
Calcium 50mg
Copper 4mg
Selenium 40mcg
Manganese 10mg
Zinc 10mg
Iodine 100mcg
Tumeric 10mg

Puritan's Pride Hair (Now on sale for $1.70)
Vitamin A (as Retinyl Palmitate) 5,000 I.U.
Thiamin 1.5mg
(Vitamin B-1) (as Thiamin Mononitrate)
Riboflavin (Vitamin B-2) 1.7 mg
Niacin (as Niacinamide) 35 mg
Folic Acid 400 mcg
Vitamin B-12 (as Cyanocobalamin) 10 mcg
Biotin 100 mcg
Pantothenic Acid 92 mg
(as d-Calcium Pantothenate)
Iodine (as Potassium Iodide) 150 mcg
Zinc (as Zinc Gluconate) 15 mg
Copper (as Cupric Gluconate) 2 mg
Manganese 1mg
(as Manganese Gluconate)
Inositol 125 mg
Choline (as Choline Bitartrate) 60 mg
PABA (as Para-Aminobenzoic Acid) 35 mg

Wal-Mart's Natural/Calif Hair ($3.00)
Vitamin A 5000 IU
Thiamin (B1) 1.5 mg
Riboflavin (B2) 1.7 mg
Niacin (B3) 35 mg
Vitamin B6 2 mg
Folic Acid 400 mcg
Vitamin B12 10 mcg
Biotin 100 mcg
Pantothenic acid 92 mg
Iodine 150 mcg ***
Zinc 15 mg
Copper 2 mg
Manganese 1 mg
Choline 60mg
Inositol 125mg
para-Amino Benzoic Acid (PABA) 35mg

Hmm... I think I'll try the last 2...
I have been taking multivitamins for 2.5 yrs now. I have tried different brands, but I have not seen increased hair or nail growth. I don't feel any differently either. I continue to take them just to make sure my body is getting everything it needs. I have always eaten very healthy and I am a vegetarian. So perhaps the vitamins are truly unnecessary.
I take vitamins for overall health and nutrition benefits, NOT for hair growth. I have been taking for about 9 years and I think it has benefitted my overall health and sense of well-being greatly, particularly with regard to increased energy. I do not take mega doses as I believe these can be harmful, or at the very least may throw off other nutrients if mega-dosing on only one or two -- I take a balanced, modest dose of certain key nutrients that I have identified as important for my particular lifestyle.

I started taking supplements during law school when I was under alot of stress and gain a ton of weight from poor eating habits (I ate hundreds of almond joys and pounds of corn chips during those study/cram sessions!). During my quest to lose weight and eat healthy, I discovered that the American diet is woefully deficient in many many nutrients because of our farming practices which deplete the soil of vital NATURAL nutrients and the fact that we eat so much refined and preservative-filled foods. Thus, we get just the "bare" minimum of essential nutrients and even that is usually synthetic (because we "enrich" foods with synthetic nutrients AFTER taking it out during the farming and refining process!). Which may account for the fact that although we are one of the richest, best fed and most advanced medically & technological nation on the planet, we are also one of the fattest group of folks with a mariad of health problems relative to "less" advanced nations.

Anywho, the fact that these supplements also improve hair condition and growth is simply a bonus. . .
I started taking vitamins years ago for health reasons and for a workout program I was doing. I had no idea that the same vitamins (EFAs and MSM) promoted hair growth. The vitamins I do take I researched thoroughly and consulted with my doctor and a naturopath. I can't say they've made my hair grow any faster but my hair is definitely stronger and healthier as a result.
I started taking vitamins after I joined LHCF and read how important they were to my overall health. I think for the most part vitamins are worth taking. Since I've started taking it My hair and nails have grown tremendously, my skin is healthier and my "monthly" goes well..meaning ABOSLUTELY NO CRAMPS..I can thank the Evening Primrose Oil for that.
Vitamins are good for overall health but for some people (like myself), the hair growth doesn't increase that much. I started taking Freeda Biotin 10,000 mg for 3 weeks and saw no change. I'm going to take them for 2 more months to see if there is any change.

I'm also on prenatal vitamins for my anemia and I'm hoping that helps my nail growth.

I'm starting to think that genetics plays a greater role in hair growth than I would like to believe but it's very discouraging for those who have slow growth and nothing they do increases it.

I'm just taking a multivitamin for overall health. When I took biotin, it definitely helped me with growth. I've had a growth spurt recently, I wasn't taking anything and I couldn't figure out what caused it, but I was just reminded that I was trying the adkins diet so I increased my protein intake for a few months. So for me it looks like biotin or increased protein are worth it.
Not sure cuz I don't take vitamins for hair growth. I never had a problem with growth. I guess you could take them for overall good health and well being. Welcome to the board
i don't think the vitamins have increased my hair growth rate enough to recommend them to someone who wants their hair to grow faster. i take the hair ones for hair thickness since i have alot of shedding. they have been effective for that. i also take them because my diet isn't always what it should be.