Are all sulfates Bad sulfates?


New Member
I have been looking at alot of product ingredients since going natural. The main reason is that when I first went natural, I was using Nubian Heritage Shea butter soap to wash my hair. It is made primarily with shea butter and different types of oils. Comlpetly natural and I never had any sheading during washing, (for real, none).

Then a few weeks ago I used my sisters Pantene for natural hair. It had the sulfates in it and I started noticing sheading while washing. Not like 1 or 2 hair either, like 10 or more. To me thats alot since I wasn't seeing any at all before. I have since went back to sulfate free poos.

Anywho, I have been noticing when I look at product ingredients, different types of sulfates. One had Tea lauryl sulfate. Is this a bad one for your hair? I'm getting so confused on all the different types. Plus if a product says Sodium Laureth/lauryl sulfate free, and yet I look at the ingredients and there is other types of SULPHATES (notice the spelling) would that not mean that product is not sulfate free?

That being said, is there some types of sulfates/sulphates that are not bad for your hair?
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Any reply would be helpful. This subject may have been posted before, if so, does anyone happen to know the link?
when used in moderation sulfates are okay. some are gentler than others. i believe sodium trideceth sulfate is more gentle than sodium lauryl sulfate and ammonium lauryl sulfate is harsher than these 2. there are so many kinds.
im not an expert with this so someone correct me if im wrong.

and i believe the sulfates/sulphates thing might just be the british/american spelling stuff.
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I googled this, here's a very helpful site:

TEA lauryl sulfate - a popular emulsifying ingredient in moisturizers and shampoos; also a detergent that can be drying to skin and hair.
TEA lauryl sulfate - A gentle and mild foaming cleansing agent, it is much milder than sodium lauryl sulfate. In addition, because the TEA molecule is "bound" in this formulation, it is not free to combine with other compounds to produce nitrosamines.
Full article >>>

Most Health food stores have Shampoos that are completely sulfate free, my favorite is Nasabb's Teawyn Shampoo (
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As far as I know, all sulfates are "bad". Bad meaning they can be drying and irritating to the scalp. Some are less harsh than others. Some ingredients in conditioners and other hair products cannot be removed form the hair/scalp without using sulfates. They can cause buildup which can lead to dryness and breakage. So if you avoid those ingredients (like certain -cones) you don't need a shampoo with sulfates.

ALL sulfates aren't bad OR harsh.

For example, do a search for kenra or elasta qp shampoo... they both have sodium myreth sulfate. They both make EXTREMELY gentle, moisturizing shampoos.

The 4 most drying are:

Ammonim Lauryl Sulfate
Ammonim Laureth Sulfate
Sodium Lauryl Sulfate
Sodium Laureth Sulfate

These sulfates are more powerful, have a smaller molecular size (can penetrate into hair) and strip the hair more.

Safer Sulfates:

Sodium Trideceth Sulfate
Sodium Myreth Sulfate
Tea Lauryl/Laureth Sulfates

These are much less drying and harsh. They cannot penetrate the hair and just clean the outside of it.

Honestly, you can find gentle shampoos without going to organic products.
Imo, organic/natural is better, but NOT because it's more gentle. I just like to limit the sheer amount of man made chemicals I put in and on my body. At one point in time, I used gentle sulfates with no problems.

Do some research on it, I'm sure if you searched for "sulfate" on here you'd get a ton of hits.