Apretadora: Product Review


Active Member
ok i picked some of this up last night and since i was having a bad hair day anyway I decided to wash my hair.
first let me start by saying that its a bit on the mid-pricey side $8 for 16oz's .. ok well maybe not, but for dominican condits it sounds about right.
There are NO ingredients listings, but it does contain Apretol-15 (whatever that is), cinnamon and rosemary.
Its a pre poo treatment and its supoosed to tighten the hair cuticle. Its deep green in color
I used this instead of my cinnamon, olive and honey preshamp b/c that's just plain messy
plus it claims it has cinnamon anyway. So i applied it to my hair and massaged (some got on my scalp) and it felt umm, Fresh, invigorated??? It immediately softened my hair! I left it on for 10 mins as directed rinsed and continued my c/o wash as usual. My combout went well, i still lost a few more hairs than i would've liked (i'm due for a deep protein treatment) but I dont think that had anything to do with the apretadora, which was wonderful.
This was my 1st time using it, so i'll post my FINAL review after two more washes w/this. So far so good, and for now i'll repurchase
awww this so good. i used to use this years ago but i couldnt remember what my results were. i'm glad you had a good experience with it.
God bless you all.
Thanks for your review Beana.

I bought this over a month ago (and yes it is rather pricey) and have yet to use it. I just don't want to give up my hot oil treatment.

I have a full unopened jar of it. I plan to use it one day..

Please update us.
carmen, after using this for the 2nd time, i think i'll continue to use it up but i'm not sure if i'll repurchase immediately. I was using cinnamon, honey, and olive oil for my preshamps b4 this and I lost very little hair, i'm not sure if the apretadora is as potent as my homemade mix. cinnamon is said to stop hair loss and sooth the scalp. I dont think the apreatdora is as effective at stopping hair loss, but its softens wonderfully. i'm going to mix olive oil and cinnamon up (ran out of honey, plus the honey makes the mix hard to handle) and post my results tonight. Or maybe i'll just add cinnamon and olive oil to the apretadora and see how that turns out.
I used this in college on the recommendation of my college roommate, and loved it. She actually is supposed to be bringing me back something like it from DR but she says it's even better.

Anyway it is a very good preshampoo treatment.