APL's, BSL's,and etc...How Does It Take You?


New Member
For all of the ladies here that have achieved APL, BSL, waist length and tailbone length....how long does it usually take you to do your hair? (Start to finish: pre-poo, shampoo, conditioning, and styling) Just curious. :brainy:

My hair is collarbone length and relaxed. It seems to take me at least 2 1/2-3 hrs to wash, condition, blow dry and flat iron mine :spinning:
Well, I'm past APL but not quite BSL and it takes me about 2 hours washing, DCing and detangling my hair. Reconstructors take about 10 minutes, DCing takes about 30 mins and detangling takes about another 30.

I airdry like 90% of the time, so I don't factor that in. However, in those RARE occasions where I blowdry/flat iron or rollerset, it can take up to 4.5 hours total. Even when I flat iron, I try to let my hair airdry first and that goes pretty much into the next day lol.
My hair is about an inch from APL and it takes me from start to finish a little over an hour.
Let's see. I'm past bottom of BSL now. I prepoo overnight with olive oil. I take about 15 mins to wash my hair the morning after in plaits which takes about 5 mins to braid. Then I apply the DC which takes like 10-15 mins. Then I DC for 30 mins with heat. Rinse, another 10 mins. Then I moisturise (5 mins) and airdry (that takes a while, 2+ hours). In all then I'd say 3-4 hours total excluding the pre-poo cause I'm sleeping anyway. Hmm...I think this is why I went back to washing 1x a week or two. But not counting airdrying, the whole process only takes 1 hour and 10 mins.
I'm past APL. I shampoo one time. I add conditioner and sit under the dryer for 30 mins. Then I rinse. After that I put on leave in conditioner. Blow dry on cool-that takes about 3-5 mins. Then I put on NTM and oil, and it's done.

So I'll say, it takes about 35-40 mins to do everything. My hair dries easily, and my hair dries straight. I really don't need flat irons etc., although I love they way heat feels on my hair.
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Maybe close to 2 to 2 1/2 hours..depending if I deep condition for 45 minutes to an hour and how I style it after I shampoo and condition. Regular rollersetting takes a good 45 minutes then under the dryer takes another hour. Ponytail rollersetting takes maybe 15 or 20 minutes then under the dryer for an hour. I don't flat iron often but it takes about 45 minutes too.
on a daily basis it takes about 20 minutes (co-wash, moisturize, seal, bun)

on my "wash" day it takes about 35 minutes (wash/co-wash, comb out, moisturize, seal, bun)

when i wear my hair down it takes between 1hr/35 minutes to 2hr/35 minutes depending on if i blow dry or sit under the dryer (wash/co-wash, comb out, dry, flat iron)

when i pre-poo i do so overnight
Let's see... From start to finish, I co-wash, then rollerset. It takes me about 1-1/2 hours, not including bonnet drying/airdrying. My hair is almost WL and texlaxed; for me, it took the same amount of time to do my hair when it was SL. However, drying time has definately increased.:drunk:

I co-wash weekly and really don't mess with my hair during the week.
Wow, some of you all are quick! :blush: I am not even full SL and it takes me like 4 hours. And then my hair is just twigged up (ala sig pic) & still wet at the end of those 4 hours, so it's not even really "done" yet. :lol:
The more you do your hair, the quicker you'll become :yep: It used to take me 2 hours to rollerset, now it takes about 45 minutes.

Instead of blowdrying AND flatironing, have you tried airdrying and flatironing? It's much less traumatic and drying for your hair. You could even dry under a hood dryer :)

Okay, let me shut up and answer. I'm APL now, WAS on my way to MBL before I had a setback. It takes me 45 mins to pre poo, 10 minutes to poo, 45 mins to dc, 45 mins to rollerset, and an hour to dry under the dryer :yep:
I am waist length and it takes me about 10-15 mins to do my hair in the morning on wash days it takes me about an hour to an hour and a half to wash, deep condition and moisturize.
Prepoo (if I remember) : 10 mins
Wash : 5 mins
DC including rinse: 20 to 30mins
Airdry to slightly damp : 1 to 1.5 hours
Flat iron : 45 to 1 hour (I have alot of hair)

Seems like a long time but airdrying takes the longest.
I'm apl, but not full apl, from dcing until finish I will say 3 hours but that's me playing around......if I'm watching the clock and dc for an hour, wash, detangle, about 2 hrs, and if I air dry 1 1/2 hours,cuz when I air dry I usually put in a pony tail.......I can't wait until I reach midback...wash n gos!!!!!
It must be great to live in the warm states, where you can air dry anytime you want to. I'm in Chicago, and air drying is out of the question. But I do blow dry on cool and low speed.
I don't know if I'm slow or what but if I try my best to speed things up a bit, it takes about 2.5 hours to wash, DC, detangle and set on rollers. I hope my dryer time will be reduced to only 1.5 hours now that I have a Pibbs, so I guess four hours. I think I'm about an inch below brastrap now (I haven't done a length check yet). But to be honest, it's always taken forever to do my hair. When I was SL-APL in the salon, it always took about 2.5-3 hours to do everything I described above.
Wow, some of you all are quick! :blush: I am not even full SL and it takes me like 4 hours. And then my hair is just twigged up (ala sig pic) & still wet at the end of those 4 hours, so it's not even really "done" yet. :lol:

I agree. I wish I were faster too!
I only cowash and detangle which takes about 30 minutes of my life. that's all!

eta: i'm touching mbl, but not ready to claim it :)
If I'm just washing, conditioning, and wearing it down then about an hour. If I'm attempting any kinda styling than that can easily move to be 2-3 hours, or even 5+ if I'm blow drying and flat ironing (but that's just b/c I'm not good at it).
I'm BSL and it takes an hour to wash and condition. Then from 30mins - 2.5 hours to twist, depending on how I do it. I've found though that increased length (at least so far) hasn't equalled that much more time taking care of it, which is one plus.
I'm MBL, and it takes me a long freaking time...like all damn day. I will say at least five hours.
so, i think my routine goes as follows:

megatek (10-15 minuters under a cap, no heat)
moisturizing deep condition (60-90 minutes under a bonnet dryer)
rinse and detangle
roller set the hair (60-90 minutes... because i am so not a pro)
sit under the bonnet dryer (3.5 hours)
saran wrap the hair and sit under the dryer (10-15 minutes)

it's a full evening, let me tell you. my hair isn't thick either.

needless to say, i'm itching to buy a pibbs... even thought that will mean my studio apartment will look more like a hair salon than someone's home.
It must be great to live in the warm states, where you can air dry anytime you want to. I'm in Chicago, and air drying is out of the question. But I do blow dry on cool and low speed.

I live in Gary and I airdry 365 days a year. Yes I do leave the house and run around in the winter- haven't gotten sick at all.
I'm a a little past BSL and if I'm rollersetting it takes about 5 hours from begining to end, if I'm doing a braidout maybe 2-3...
I'm MBL. The process before styling always takes 30 to 55 minutes.
-pre-poo overnight-I don't count that cause that's just like moisturizing the night before for me.
-Rinse and Apply Ayurvedic Tea(5 minutes)
-Put on Cap and let that sit for (15-30 minutes)
-Wash with clarifying conditioner, then apply DC (5 minutes)
-Sit under dryer to DC (10-15 minutes)
-Rinse (2 minutes, not trying to get my hair squeaky)
Total: 30-55 minutes

The actual styling is subjective, I will say roller setting takes me an hour and an hour under the dryer, plus 15 minutes with saran wrap, total 2.15 minutes. Airdrying is a lot different, I wrap a towel around my head for anywhere from 10-30 minutes, apply leave-in and moisturizer and put my hair in a bun or pigtails to finish drying. I really have no idea how long it takes the pigtails or the bun to dry cause its always dry by the time I take it down again, whenever that is. Flat ironing I let my hair airdry in pigtails and because I have lots of hair it takes about 30 minutes to flat iron (I only do one pass because I'm bone straight). HTH!