APL all NATURAL... How many Phyto boxes?!?!


New Member
I am going to relax my hair April 30th. I bought a box of Phyto (index II), I opended the box and relized that the relaxer might not be enough:ohwell:. I dont want my hair bone straight but I do want it at the most 80% relaxed. What I have read so far is that the hair will get the straightess with phyto if ALOT of product/creme is applied. Don't want to look like this in the face :blush: when it turns out I dont have enough product to do the job. So, do you guys think I am going to need to get another box of phyto? :look:
I am going to relax my hair April 30th. I bought a box of Phyto (index II), I opended the box and relized that the relaxer might not be enough:ohwell:. I dont want my hair bone straight but I do want it at the most 80% relaxed. What I have read so far is that the hair will get the straightess with phyto if ALOT of product/creme is applied. Don't want to look like this in the face :blush: when it turns out I dont have enough product to do the job. So, do you guys think I am going to need to get another box of phyto? :look:

Yes, I would purchase another box. But I would do it this way:

1) Part your hair from ear to ear
2) Mix only one (1) box
3) Apply the first box to half of your head.
4) Rinse, neutralize, etc, etc.
5) Repeat steps 1 -4 for the second half

This way you will have an idea of how much you will need and none of the relaxer will be wasted.

Just a suggestion. I will let the real experts reply ...
^^^Sounds like a good idea. Only thing is I dont want to go thru that whole process 2x. My mom is applying it for me. Do anyone else think the best rounte to go is going thru the relaxer process 2x for the top the the bottom half of my hair?
I did a virgin relaxer when I was nearly SL and used one box of Phytospecific. I purchased two boxes but I never needed to open the second box. I would say get the second box just in case, and as others posted, don't mix it unless you find you're running short. The relaxer tends to expand when it is mixed with the activator, so don't just look at the creme and assume it won't be enough.
^^when u did the virgin relaxer did u use it all and did it go bone straight or did u have texture?

I do remember NOT scraping the bottom; I know that once I started I realized I wouldn't need the second box. If I had been at all concerned about running short I would have mixed up the second package. I'm bonelaxed. Like someone said, since you're APL you might need one and a quarter; but you definitely won't need two full boxes. Incidentally I use Phytospecific Type II, so that formula might be one reason I got to bone straight easily.

Like most relaxers, the containers are marked for doing half of a batch - like for a touchup. Why don't you make a full package and half of the other one?
thanx ladies. im def goin to purchase another box... any recommendations on how long to leave it in for, for 85% relaxed look, using phyto II? LIGHT PROTEIN TREATMENT after rinsing relaxer out, any recommendations? PC control where should i incorporate this in the relaxer process? Sorry so many ?s but you know how we get w/ our hair