APHOGEE USERS: Question about heat temperature


New Member
I searched for this but was unsuccessful.

What temperature do you set your dryers to when doing the Aphogee protein treatment? Low or medium, or if your dryer has actual temperatures, how many degrees fahrenheit? How do you know what temperature to use when doing protein treatments in general?

I want to use the minimum amount of heat necessary to get the product to work.

Thanks in advance, ladies!
I use medium

Low takes a long time for the treatment to get hard (for me)

High gets the treatment done really quick....I think like 15 min., but i just hate using all the heat

Medium takes about 20 (25-30) min. max

But i have a cheap dryer and it gives very light heat compared to those at the salon, it only has 3 settings.---The High on mine is like Max on a good handheld blowdryer.

I've heard of some people not using heat at all, and just putting the treatment on their hair, then a baggy....Or walking around with it in their head all day and letting it airdry

Im not sure if the heat would be a bad thing in this situation though, because it helps the treatment to bond to the hair....I dont know though....seems like it may only start to be alittle harmfull if you sat there under the heat for a while after the treatment was already hard...