Aphogee Treatment for Damaged Hair Users


New Member
How often do use this treatment??? Do you use it every 6 weeks like the bottle says or do you use it more often? If so, have you had any adverse affects to doing so?

I recently colored the top portion of my hair and realize that I might need to condition with protein a little more often than I normally do..do you think using the Aphogee every 3-4 weeks will be overkill for my colored and relaxed hair?????
I have done Aphogee Damage Hair treatment about two times now. I did the second one four weeks after the first one but I would stick to them every six weeks or as needed. Aphogee is a heavy duty protein and dries your hair out. Also, I use nexxus emergencee so thats why I don't need to use Aphogee that much. I would suggest you getting some lighter proteins and using them (GPB, nexxus keraphix, etc.) when u need extra protein. You can even do a search on light proteins and heavy proteins. HTH
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hunnybunny81 said:
How often do use this treatment??? Do you use it every 6 weeks like the bottle says or do you use it more often? If so, have you had any adverse affects to doing so?

I recently colored the top portion of my hair and realize that I might need to condition with protein a little more often than I normally do..do you think using the Aphogee every 3-4 weeks will be overkill for my colored and relaxed hair?????

I use it every 6-8 weeks or as needed (haven't usewd it in a while though).....so, if my hair starts falling out or breaking then I use it....You need to follow with lots of moisturizing conditioner to keep your hair from being brittle after the treatment....If you want to use protein more often, you can use [size=-1]Aphogee 2-min reconstructor which will provide protein and moisture at the same time....of course there are other protein treatments that you can use.
Liz25_Ga said:
I have done Aphogee Damage Hair treatment about two times now. I did the second one four weeks after the first one but I would stick to them every six weeks or as needed. Aphogee is a heavy duty protein and dries your hair out. Also, I use nexxus emergencee so thats why I don't need to use Aphogee that much. I would suggest you getting some lighter proteins and using them (GPB, nexxus keraphix, etc.) when u need etra protein. You can even so a search on light proteins and heavy proteins. HTH

I agree with Liz. I used Aphogee in the past every 6 weeks and would use a light protein treatment(keraphix) weekly. At that time I was colored and relaxed and it really did help my hair out. But I also would make sure to deep condition after using the Keraphix and follow up with a moisturizer. You've got to balance the protein with moisture. HTH
Since you have color treated hair, depending on your hair condition I think that you can use Aphogee every 4 weeks, just follow up with a moisturizing treatment cause aphogee can dry out your hair. I often mix my Aphogee with my Nexxus Emergencee so that I can get a good protein fix and with the emergencee added it's not as drippy and my hair does not dry out as much.
hunnybunny81 said:
How often do use this treatment??? Do you use it every 6 weeks like the bottle says or do you use it more often? If so, have you had any adverse affects to doing so?

I use Aphogee 6 weeks post relaxer. Also once that time comes I do my weekly wash and use it until I get my touch up again. I have not had any adverse reactions all I have to do is make sure that my hair is kept moist with a good cream and my mist.
I love Aphogee:grin: I use it every 4-6 weeks since my hair is relaxed and colored. I've not had any bad reactions but it has made my hair feel wonderful. I mix 3 parts Aphogee with 1 part EQP Breakage serum. This makes it cling to the hair. It's so good I didn't comb my hair for 5 days, did my relaxer and lost 43 hairs:lachen: :lachen:
hunnybunny81 said:
How often do use this treatment??? Do you use it every 6 weeks like the bottle says or do you use it more often? If so, have you had any adverse affects to doing so?

I recently colored the top portion of my hair and realize that I might need to condition with protein a little more often than I normally do..do you think using the Aphogee every 3-4 weeks will be overkill for my colored and relaxed hair?????

I had just started the aphogee treatment about 3 months ago...and I love it...The last time i did it was 2 weeks b4 my touch-up...and this time i'll be doing it a week b4 my next touch-up...I love the way my hair feels after a treatment...it feels alot stronger and thicker...I haven't had an adverse effect so far...I made sure to moisturize the heck out of my hair afterwards.

I personally, feel that using the aphogee treatment for damaged hair every 3-4 weeks wouldn't be a good idea...that is a very strong protein treatment...why don't you try using a reconstructor weeks after your aphogee treatment...aphogee sells a reconstructor...I think it's called aphogee 3-min, not quite sure...or how about nexxus keraphix, even AO GPB would be a good choice...just leave the aphogee treatment for every six weeks.
I am natural and a little scared of the protein. I mix mine with silcon mix after I do a demi coloring about once every 4 months.
When my hair came out in middle school, my stylist recommended that my mother use this every two weeks. She did so and my hair was strong and grew in nicely. I have fine hair, and it can probably tolerate more protein than many stronger textures. I would recommend using the treatment as directed.
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