Aphogee Question: New Growth OK?


I just purchased the Aphogee Treatment for Damaged Hair (the one that gets hard under the dryer). I am four weeks post with about 1/4 inch of new growth. I am tempted to try this next week (5 weeks post)... Do you all generally have better results using this mid-relaxer cycle? Should I try to use it immediately after relaxing/neutralizing for better results? Does it matter one way or another?
Hi! Cute shoes :)

I haven't had any trouble using it in the middle of a relaxer cycle. I think it helps w/strengthening the demarcation line. Don't think it matters either way.

Hopefully other chicas will check in!

I used it about 5weeks post and had excellent results. But I didn't have much (or any :confused: ) NG at the time so I don't know... I don't think it matters.
There is not a problem using it mid relaxer cylce. However, I would not advise using it the same day of the relaxer. I use it one wk prior to my relaxer to prepare and strengthen the hair for the chemical. Then I use it 2 wks after my relaxer to repair any damage that may have been done from the chemical.
janeemat said:
There is not a problem using it mid relaxer cylce. However, I would not advise using it the same day of the relaxer. I use it one wk prior to my relaxer to prepare and strengthen the hair for the chemical. Then I use it 2 wks after my relaxer to repair any damage that may have been done from the chemical.

Wow your hair must be strong to begin with! The instructions say to use every 6 wks. IMO if Aphogee is used prior to relaxer, a milder protein should be used after the relaxer, a wk or so between. But I agree w/not using the same day. I can see my hair going :eek: :eek: after that.

This next relaxer I'm gonna use Aphogee one wk after touch up, to prep for the permanent color I'll be applying after wk 2, so I'm gonna use a milder protein one week or so prior to touch up.
artemis_e. said:
Wow your hair must be strong to begin with! The instructions say to use every 6 wks. IMO if Aphogee is used prior to relaxer, a milder protein should be used after the relaxer, a wk or so between. But I agree w/not using the same day. I can see my hair going :eek: :eek: after that.

This next relaxer I'm gonna use Aphogee one wk after touch up, to prep for the permanent color I'll be applying after wk 2, so I'm gonna use a milder protein one week or so prior to touch up.

Well, one thing for sure, when it come to our hair we have learned that the instructions on products are very basic. Usually there are other usages. I have had aphoghee applied to my hair wkly for a period of about 4wks when it was severly damaged by a licensed stylist. It was applied until the hair became strong again. This is how I was introduced to aphoghee several years ago. IMO is the best protein treatment on the market. The more damaged the hair, the better it works. The key is to be sure to follow with a good moisturizing deep cond. My hair is very healthy now and I use it only as preventive maintenance as I explained.
janeemat said:
Well, one thing for sure, when it come to our hair we have learned that the instructions on products are very basic. Usually there are other usages. I have had aphoghee applied to my hair wkly for a period of about 4wks when it was severly damaged by a licensed stylist. It was applied until the hair became strong again. This is how I was introduced to aphoghee several years ago. IMO is the best protein treatment on the market. The more damaged the hair, the better it works. The key is to be sure to follow with a good moisturizing deep cond. My hair is very healthy now and I use it only as preventive maintenance as I explained.

Yeah, I understand and I agree. :) I think for the purposes of the OP we need to keep it basic. Off label uses are more for those more advanced instances like you mentioned (like overprocessed or double/triple-processes, bleach, etc). For me I use milder proteins (anything Joico) weekly so that's why 2 Aphogees in a 3 wk period would be overkill for me.
I relax every 12 weeks or so and use aphogee every 4-6 weeks. I love how it keeps my hair strong in between relaxers. Regular use of aphogee benefits my hair trmendously. I think its safe to use whenever, although i would wait at least a week after relaxing.
shoegirl said:
If I used Aphogee before my relaxer, would it be smart to use Emergencee post relaxer?

Personally, I don't think that would be a good idea...Emergencee is a pretty hard-care protein and you don't want protein overload. It would essentially come down to how your hair is feeling after the touch-up. If the hair is stretchy and limp, then go ahead, but I'd use Keraphix or something milder than Emergencee afterwards.

artemis_e. said:
Personally, I don't think that would be a good idea...Emergencee is a pretty hard-care protein and you don't want protein overload. It would essentially come down to how your hair is feeling after the touch-up. If the hair is stretchy and limp, then go ahead, but I'd use Keraphix or something milder than Emergencee afterwards.


Good to know. Thanks. Normally 4 days or so after a relaxer I experience more shedding than I would like, but hopefully if i do the protein treatment beforehand, it will combat some of that shedding.
This has been hlpful i am considering doing a aphogee treatment as well 4 weeks post, but after a clarifyer. I think i will do the clarifyer one week and the next week to the treatment and dc moisturizing conditioner for both.