ApHoGee/Protein Treatment...LADIES COME IN AND HELP ME!


New Member
Can someone people tell me when and how to tell if you need a protein treatment?

I bought ApHogee Intensive Keratin Reconstructive. If was $4.69 at BSS.
Some of the stuff on the bottle says: Restores softness and elasticity to dry, brittle hair. Repairs damage caused by chemical and heat services.

It seems like it would work. I normally use Keracare Humecto (this is still the ish, ladies don't get me wrong). But I think my hair needs SOMETHING. I don't know. It's sooooooooo hard. Sooooooo dry. Soooooooo brittle. Doesn't hold any curl. Flat. Dull. No shine. Limp. Doesn't retain moisture.

What is a protein treatment for? I've never had a protein treatment before (not that I know of) ....so how often should I use this product? Any reviews about it? Will a protein treatment help my hair?!?! Help me puh lease.
Shell have you ever tried a clarifying shampoo. Seems like you may have some products buildup. Protein is for strengthening and to prevent breakage or to treat breakage.

Sounds like your hair is suffering from product build-up. This makes your dry and hard to manage, just like you described. Protein is an important part of any hair regimen, but there should be a balance. A balance btwn protein and moisture. TOO much protein can over dry the hair and cause breakage. Too much moisture can make the hair too soft and cause breakage.

It is recommended that a mild protein is used about once every other week @ a minimum to help keep the hair strong. In the case where you may be experiencing breakage say from overprocessing or some other mis-hap, you would need to do a stronger protein treatment to restore the strength of the hair fibers. There's TONS of info here on protein. You may wanna try doing a search for more info.

For your immediate situation I would clarify the hair. Once the hair is clarified and build-up removed, it should eliminate your problem. If it doesn't, then we move on to the next step. Good luck and keep us posted :)