Aphogee Consistency Dilemma Solved!!!


Hair Fanatic
I have been using the hardcore Aphogee Treatment since I started my hair care journey last February and I Love It, Love It, Love It!!! I had never had a problem with the way it made my hair feel after usage, but had ventured off to try other products because I couldn't stand the mess applying it made...To have it running all down my arms, back, etc. The consistency was just too liquidy (if that’s a word) and made it difficult to use.

Well, I got some Elasta Breakage Control Serum a while back...loved the texture and feel of it, but was disappointed in the results. It was too weak for me. Every 6 weeks and before and after my relaxer, I need some serious protein!!! To make a long story short, I didn't have any luck finding the other hard-core proteins you ladies have recommended, so last night while preparing my hair for my relaxer that I'll be applying on the 1st I got the brain-storm to mix the Aphogee w/ the BCS. What a difference it made :clap: !!!

I used the measuring cap on the BCS and filled it with Aphogee 2x, and 1 cap full of the BCS (will change measurements once my hair gets longer), and then stirred it up. It completely took on the consistency of the BCS, I even had to scrap the last bit of it out of the bowl, lol. It smoothed on my hair like butter, and I didn't miss a spot. I got under the dryer, it dried hard, I rinsed out and my hair had that strong, silky feeling that only Aphogee can give it!!! Not to mention the healthy shine I'm sporting today at 6 months post relaxer, I'm in love :love:.

So for anyone who stopped using Aphogee because of the mess or the difficulty in applying it evenly, I hope this tip comes in handy :).
hmmm... I have a lil bit left of my Elasta QP Breakage Control Serum. I've never tried a hardcore protein treatment and I'm afraid of this hard, straw-like feeling that people get from using Apohgee. So when I go buy a sample of Aphogee Treatment, I might just mixed these two together and try it on my hair!
I'm telling you ladies...it worked like a charm. I hope you all have the same success :).

I did have a question for other Aphogee users: Do you pin your hair up in the back to prevent it from being out just hanging in the back hard? I've always been afraid to just let it hang, so I've been securing it with a pin while wet, let it dry that way, then removing the pin once my hair is wet and I'm rinsing out. Does any one else do this? If not, what's your method???
Thanks for the tip :up: also, as regards your question, i've always pinned my hair up b/c i wanted everything to harden, from root to top :)
MelsWifey said:
I'm telling you ladies...it worked like a charm. I hope you all have the same success :).

I did have a question for other Aphogee users: Do you pin your hair up in the back to prevent it from being out just hanging in the back hard? I've always been afraid to just let it hang, so I've been securing it with a pin while wet, let it dry that way, then removing the pin once my hair is wet and I'm rinsing out. Does any one else do this? If not, what's your method???

I let my hair hang dry. What are your concerns about letting it hang?
You've got me thinking I may need to try this now Melswifey. I'm just like Poohbear (a lil' nervous about using hardcore protein tx), but I may have to give it a shot now. I'm experiencing breakage like crazy, so maybe this "recipe" will help!!
SVT said:
I let my hair hang dry. What are your concerns about letting it hang?

Thanks everyone for your replies on Aphogee drying methods, I'm always looking to try a new technique.

SVT, my concerns may be a little silly, but I always imagine my hair rubbing against the back of the chair the wrong way while I'm under the dryer and it just breaking off and falling to the floor :lol:. Even if I hit the top of my head a bit when letting the hood from the dryer up I get nervous :look:. I love my Aphogee, but it gets HARD, and I'm just a little paranoid of that. But knowing that you keep yours down and that your hair is wayyyyy longer than mine does put my mind to ease a bit :grin:, thanks.
MelsWifey said:
Thanks everyone for your replies on Aphogee drying methods, I'm always looking to try a new technique.

SVT, my concerns may be a little silly, but I always imagine my hair rubbing against the back of the chair the wrong way while I'm under the dryer and it just breaking off and falling to the floor :lol:. Even if I hit the top of my head a bit when letting the hood from the dryer up I get nervous :look:. I love my Aphogee, but it gets HARD, and I'm just a little paranoid of that. But knowing that you keep yours down and that your hair is wayyyyy longer than mine does put my mind to ease a bit :grin:, thanks.

Understandable. :)

I find it fascinating that my hair goes from rock hard to soft under running water. That Aphogee is the weirdest thing to me. :lol:
Great tip! Thank you. I will definitely try this. The messiness is the thing that I hate about aphogee. Other than that I too get great results and I love my aphogee.
this is a good tip i never thought to mix it
i dont have many problems though i spray
it on and then wrap my edges so that it doesnt
roll down your neck. you can by that tissue
stuff they use at the shop.

great tip
MelsWifey said:
......... So for anyone who stopped using Aphogee because of the mess or the difficulty in applying it evenly, I hope this tip comes in handy :).

Really like Aphogee too, it yields such great results for me.

I never had a problem applying it evenly. I use an applicator bottle. I doesn't drip like crazy this way. However, I wouldn't mind smoothing it on though.

I also let my hair hang dry under the dryer. I slip a thin towel between my hair and my neck. I don't like the way my hair feels touching my neck while it is drying. My fear is opposite yours. I was always scared to pin it up for fear that when it dried it would simply break right off where the hair bends! However, the smell is something to reckon with. Does the smell improve with the mixture?

Thanks for the tips. I'll be printing this and putting it in my haircare binder.

Eventhough it may have the straw-like feeling to it, I follow my protein treatment with a hot oil treatment w/ EVOO and Jojoba. This makes my hair soft and supple, yet still strong from the treatment.


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I will try this too! DID you find that applying serum with aphogee cut down on that sour smell? If so then I will definately try it I love the results of Aphogee but not that smell. I was also wondering if I could mix my aphogee with my emergencee? Let me know please.
@ onepraying & Alli77, I really can't say that I noticed a difference in the smell because I am one of those weirdo's that likes the smell of Aphogee. Well...I won't go as far to say like, but it doesn't bother me one bit. Alli, I have never used emergency, but from what I hear the consistency is very similar to the breakage control serum :). It would be worth a try to give it a shot and see how it works for ya. If you do please post your results!

@Ms P Thanks for the tip about the paper. I used to spray my Aphogee on too, but my stupid cheap spray bottle kept getting clogged and all the thick goo-stuff would still be in the bottle. I probablly should have invested in a better bottle :lol:.