Aphogee 2-Step or Nexxus Emergencee

Whaa the smell has been fiddled with??? Oh thank u thank u thank u Aphogee. . . .

I love the results but my SO had so many jokes in addition to the funk that it leaves behind in the bathroom was so serious. . . LOL.

I had switched to Nexxus for that reason alone! The results for my hair weren't as amazing and long lasting. . . At first it seemed that way but it wore off quick. And I have natural hair which doesn't need as much protein . . .

LOL. Fiddled with lol. I added peppermint essential oil to it and it was better whilst I was under it...but then my daughter was walking around asking my little one what he boo-booed because it was funky in there.:lachen:
i tried the aphogee this weekend, and i was very pleased with my results. i've had it for a little while and after reading this thread, i took precautions when using this. the two things i've done that may or may not make a difference (in why some may not like the aphogee two step), is i rinsed for a good while, then i used the aphogee balancing conditioner that goes with it, rinsed it, and then i DC'd again with Nexxus humectress (which was my 1st time using nexxus humectress). My hair felt so soft and strong, and i loved it. I also have nexxus emergencee, which im gonna try a little later. I'm a PJ, so, I have like soo much stuff. LOL.
I love aphogee but i mix it with Kinky Curly Knot Today and sit under the dryer for 30 min then I rinse out. My hair has turned out very soft especially my new growth which is a plus since I'm transitioning.
Sooooo.......has anyone used the Aphogee 2 step mixed with like a moisturizing conditioner? If so, what results did you get? Does it still work just as well as when used straight up or not? I am curious to try this to see what would happen, after all, we mix other protein and moisturizing conditioners all the time, right? Hrmmmm, it probably won't leave the hair so hard:ohwell:. That could be a good thing I think.
I used Aphogee 2 step reconstructor on Saturday. I bought the sample packet at Sally's which came with Aphogee's balancing conditioner.

The first thing I thought was that it STANK! :lachen: It's also really liquidy and got kinda messy from splashing and such. I was terrified to use it so I didn't comb it through my hair like the directions called for. This was my 1st hardcore protein treatment and it wasn't bad. The balancing conditioner did not detangle and had no slip though... I DCed with a mix of KC & nexxus humecto conditioners for an hour... I used my hood dryer for 30 minutes.

My hair was OKAY. It could have been better. Maybe next time I will DC longer and do a hot oil treatment. I wasn't crazy about the results on wash day, but my hair was no longer mushy. Today, my hair is now absolutely wonderful! I can't stop touching it! I may start using it every 6 weeks. We'll see....
Years ago used Apoghee. Started using Emergencee last year.

I am suffering from breakage right now. Seven weeks ago I used Apoghee because I couldn't Emergencee at my local CVS. I put it in a spray bottle to help distribute rather than have it drip down my back. I then dried my hair to the famous Apoghee "hard". I went onto the moisturizing and final conditioning phases. Weeks later STILL BREAKAGE. Way to hard of a protein. I found Emergencee at Walgreens in Clarksville and I am back to stay.

Also, it is more convenient and less messy. I don't get it on my clothes, the floor or the dog. :rolleyes:
I'm in love with Emergencee...... Ive used it today for the first time. Sorry aphogee 2 step but im sticking with Nexxus. The aphogee is to messy.
Ladies: How frequently should you use a protein treatment like Aphogee or Emergencee?

Is twice a month too much, once a month?

I don't have too much breakage but I am experiencing shedding and I want my hair to be stronger.
Hi Malachi,

You can use it weekly - however, if you do you MUST follow the directions on the bottle, leave it in for 1-3 minutes, if you use it once or twice a month then it can be left in the hair for an extended amount of time

Ladies: How frequently should you use a protein treatment like Aphogee or Emergencee?

Is twice a month too much, once a month?

I don't have too much breakage but I am experiencing shedding and I want my hair to be stronger.

Emergencee I am not familiar with but Aphogee I am. If you are using Aphogee 2 Step (the hardcore treatment) you'd want to use that one no less than every 6-8 weeks, but if you are using the 2 minute keratin reconstructor, then it's safe to use weekly.
Just used the Emergencee today with heat - I didn't see any immediate results. I was still getting some hairs in my comb - right now not sure if it's just natural shed hairs or breakage? Long strands -I can see long strands or "extra" hair on the ends - when I pull the long piece it comes directly out (I hope this doesn't sound stupid).
Just used the Emergencee today with heat - I didn't see any immediate results. I was still getting some hairs in my comb - right now not sure if it's just natural shed hairs or breakage? Long strands -I can see long strands or "extra" hair on the ends - when I pull the long piece it comes directly out (I hope this doesn't sound stupid).

Sounds like shedding or breakage at the demarc. if you're relaxed. That's how mine is and it is shedding.
never tried either of these products.
i usually just stick to my eggs or a quick wash with Mega Tek.
I have tried them both. The Aphogee 2 step actually left my hair soft. The Nexxus Emergencee, when I went to rinse it, I saw little broken pieces of hair every where which scared the life out of me. I gave away the rest of my Nexxus Emergencee in the dump your products on me thread.
I've tried both...Aphogee is my staple, I love it! IMO Emergencee is not a hardcore protein...I will not repurchase it and I'm sorry I ordered the huge bottle.
I have tried both and In my opinion Aphogee 2 step is too strong for me. It left my hair feeling very rough. I am sure it did what it was supposed to but damn.

Emergencee in my opinion is not a strong protein treatment is more medium. It hardens with heat but rinses out leaving your hair softer. I deep condition after and my hair is very manageable and soft.

So my vote goes to Emergencee.
Aphogee 2-step i think is brilliant this weekend i did the two step followed by the balancing moisturiser and followed by deep conditioner olive oil replenishing conditioner for 30 mins
my hair was so soft. it also helps with stretching my relaxer after 8 weeks.love Aphogee 2-step.