aphogee 2 min reconstructor on dry hair?


Well-Known Member
Can this reconstructor be used on dry hair, if so for how long? Can I use heat? I've been deep conditioning on dry hair with moisture conditioners now I need some protein. Thanks!
i dnt see why not. whenever i use it my hair feels nice an soft not hard at all so using it on dry hair would prob be ok.
That's how I use mine from time to time. I pre-poo with it and sit under the dryer for a little while, then proceed with my wash, and follow with a moisturizing DC. For me that method works best as I'm not jumping in and out of the shower 50 times. My hair seems to really love it. Sometimes I'll use it as my DC on wet hair and follow with a moisturizing instant conditioner after I rinse it out. Both ways yield great results, it's my weekly protein treatment.
Yeah I used to do this... until I remembered how expensive this stuff was and I was like "Uh uh, I'm getting me a cheapie condish that will work nicely." And thats when I got my Tresemme. But yeah, the Aphogee works nicely, but when I Dry Condish I DRENCH my hair in condish and I couldn't bare to use all my Aphogee in that matter. But it does work and it is okay to do that.
I tend to only use it this way.
I apply it the night before I get a touch-up to protect my hair and prevent it from relaxing very straight
Every other week I apply it as a pre-poo and use with heat for 10 mins.
I absolutely love this stuff on dry hair:grin:!! I apply it all over my dry hair and place a plastic cap over it and let it sit for about 30-45 min, then I hop in the shower rinse, shampoo, and follow up with a moisturizing conditioner. I have been doing this for about a month, once a week and my hair is so much stronger and looks much more healthier. HTH :yep:

That's how I use mine from time to time. I pre-poo with it and sit under the dryer for a little while, then proceed with my wash, and follow with a moisturizing DC. For me that method works best as I'm not jumping in and out of the shower 50 times. My hair seems to really love it. Sometimes I'll use it as my DC on wet hair and follow with a moisturizing instant conditioner after I rinse it out.

Yep. I use it exactly how foxie explained. Except I do not use protein weekly. I only use protein as needed.