Apart from Food - What do you physically pray over?


New Member
Do you pray over things like job applications or anything of that nature before sending them out. My best friends mother took her job application to church on Sunday and had the pastor pray over it. I recently filled out a form to benefit me in my home business and I got the response I was looking for in the mail this morning :yay: Praise God!
Congratulations! God surely proves himself strong and mighty.

Yes, I do pray over things like that. It might seem silly to some people. But since my trust is in Him, and He is my provider, I have to ask him for his guidance and blessing.
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It may sound dumb but I ask him for guidance on what my next job should be and to send me strength and will power to lose weight. Is that bad?
victorious said:
Yes, I do pray over things like that. It might seem silly to some people. But since my trust is in Him, and He is my provider, I have to ask him for his guidance and blessing.

[size=+1]ITA...My husband and I do the exact same thing.

And congrats...God is good!!!!!!
landakaye said:
It may sound dumb but I ask him for guidance on what my next job should be and to send me strength and will power to lose weight. Is that bad?

No It's not bad at all. I pray for others first and rarely for myself. When I do, sometimes I feel a little silly but as it's only him that can hear me I try not to feel too stoopid. :grin:

My friend when she was about 16 prayed for bigger boobs (naturally not by surgery) and low and behold she got them. She's extremely thankful for them :lachen:

I even pray for healthy and longer hair growth. There's only so much Biotin can do, I need the Lord's help with the rest :lol:
LondonDiva said:
My friend when she was about 16 prayed for bigger boobs (naturally not by surgery) and low and behold she got them. She's extremely thankful for them :lachen:

say WHAT?! :shocked::shocked::shocked:

(kneels) :p "Dear God...." ... just playin :lol: ........kinda. :look: ....:sekret: hehehehehehehehe

In all seriousness, I pray everytime I step into my car. I've never gotten into a car accident or gotteen a ticket, so it works. Same w/ my immediate family--none of us have ever gotten into car accidents.
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landakaye said:
It may sound dumb but I ask him for guidance on what my next job should be and to send me strength and will power to lose weight. Is that bad?
Not at all. Makes perfect sense.
My friend prayed for bigger boobs too. :lol:

There is a scripture that says to pray for the leaders and others first before you pray for yourself. So it sounds like you are right on the money. I'll look for it and come back.

LondonDiva said:
No It's not bad at all. I pray for others first and rarely for myself. When I do, sometimes I feel a little silly but as it's only him that can hear me I try not to feel too stoopid. :grin:

My friend when she was about 16 prayed for bigger boobs (naturally not by surgery) and low and behold she got them. She's extremely thankful for them :lachen:

I even pray for healthy and longer hair growth. There's only so much Biotin can do, I need the Lord's help with the rest :lol:
Hey Ladies,
I always ask God to give me the strength, wisdom and knowledge to parent. To help me with the right words and discipline for their actions.
To be a good Christian mother, wife who will raise God loving, decent, kind, repectful young girls that will continue to do his word and know him.
I pray that my daughters not fall into the evil and temptations of this world, but if they do find their way back to him quicky. I pray that my husband will ask forgiveness and pray for his salvation.

I have a question though.....for those of you with young girls do any of you pray for your daughters to find decent Chritstian spouses. This was discussed during a church service that it isn't to early to do this?
financial stability

relationships with family/friends

job opportunities

school situations (tests, papers, projects, etc.)


...can't think of anything else I physically pray over.
LondonDiva said:
Do you pray over things like job applications or anything of that nature before sending them out. My best friends mother took her job application to church on Sunday and had the pastor pray over it. I recently filled out a form to benefit me in my home business and I got the response I was looking for in the mail this morning :yay: Praise God!

Yes, I just did this over an apartment and job application within this past week and was blessed with both!
I always pray for the continued blessing of my family and friends, success in school and my own life, and I pray to say thank you for the blessings that I've already recieved over my life.
Yes, I do this!

I pray over a lot of things... when my boyfriend (or mom or family member) gets sick, I lay hands on them and say a little prayer asking for healing.

When I was in college I prayed over my exams, papers, etc. And now that I'm in the corporate world, I pray that my work is a reflection of my love for God.

I pray over the car when I get in or when my boyfriend drives. We're both new drivers and I remember my mom doing this ;)

I pray over applications too!

And sometimes, instead of always asking for something I just lift up my hands and PRAISE HIM!!! :lol:
EVERYTHING, I can't make it with out Him. I need him to lead me to the places I should go. I exspecially pray about directions.