Anyone's drain clogged with Hair?


Hey Ladies!
As I found myself washing more frequently due to this hot weather and using styles like braid and twistouts, I also found that I was declogging the shower drain EVERY WEEK, if not every few days! :eek: I am talking about hair globs the size of kittens! Ok, don't worry, I have extremely thick hair and with no brush or comb-through until washing - that is the cause of so much hair loss on wash days! Anyway, I found a most wonderful product to help combat this issue, it's called the Hairstopper. I found it while in the hair care aisles of Walmart in my area. It's made of plastic and you stick it where your drain is and it catches every hair! I haven't cleaned my drain in weeks! HTH someone :)
My drain has NEVER clogged with hair. I ALWAYS use a hair catcher (looks like a little white hat) when I shampoo my hair.

This can be purchased from Walmart, Lowe's, Home Depot, Target. Why don't you ladies go out and purchase one? Then you won't have to bother with hair clogging your drains.
I have got to get one of these. I sent my daughter to take a bath the other night and she was swimming in water when I stepped in to check on her (9 yrs old). I have a drain cleaner but it makes my stomach turn to see the old hair and junk when I pull it out. Thanks.
Allandra said:
My drain has NEVER clogged with hair. I ALWAYS use a hair catcher (looks like a little white hat) when I shampoo my hair.

This can be purchased from Walmart, Lowe's, Home Depot, Target. Why don't you ladies go out and purchase one? Then you won't have to bother with hair clogging your drains.
Wow...I never heard of it, but I'll definitely invest in it. I used to have to snake every drain in my house.
chellee said:
I have a drain cleaner but it makes my stomach turn to see the old hair and junk when I pull it out. Thanks.
I don't know why but that struck me as really funny (esp, the "and junk" bit).:lachen: I hear ya! I am grossed out by hair that ISNT on someone's head!
Allandra said:
My drain has NEVER clogged with hair. I ALWAYS use a hair catcher (looks like a little white hat) when I shampoo my hair.

This can be purchased from Walmart, Lowe's, Home Depot, Target. Why don't you ladies go out and purchase one? Then you won't have to bother with hair clogging your drains.

I got one! I got one! I got one! I've had it for several months now. I've heard about the horror of paying for plumber to come out for extended drain clog problems.

It DOES look like a little white hat. Someone cleaned my bathroom and moved it. I can't wash with out it. I found it on tuesday :yay: This actually helps me keep up with how much hair I actually lose. It is a MUST have.

I found mine in walmart in the bathroom hardware section(where the toilet seats and stuff are).
chellee said:
I have got to get one of these. I sent my daughter to take a bath the other night and she was swimming in water when I stepped in to check on her (9 yrs old). I have a drain cleaner but it makes my stomach turn to see the old hair and junk when I pull it out. Thanks.

Me too. I get sick just thinking about it. My husband had to clean the shower drain last time...and he was even grossed out. He just told me not to look...

I have the white hair catcher also. It came with my Nioxin Kit. I always used it when I used to wash it in the sink but not in the shower. I need to do this becuase it is clogged again and neither I or my husband want to clear the drain.
Allandra said:
My drain has NEVER clogged with hair. I ALWAYS use a hair catcher (looks like a little white hat) when I shampoo my hair.

This can be purchased from Walmart, Lowe's, Home Depot, Target. Why don't you ladies go out and purchase one? Then you won't have to bother with hair clogging your drains.

Me too. I haven't cleaned my drain in months.

You're late Rezgirl :rofl:
Rezgirl said:
Hey Ladies!
As I found myself washing more frequently due to this hot weather and using styles like braid and twistouts, I also found that I was declogging the shower drain EVERY WEEK, if not every few days! :eek: I am talking about hair globs the size of kittens! Ok, don't worry, I have extremely thick hair and with no brush or comb-through until washing - that is the cause of so much hair loss on wash days! Anyway, I found a most wonderful product to help combat this issue, it's called the Hairstopper. I found it while in the hair care aisles of Walmart in my area. It's made of plastic and you stick it where your drain is and it catches every hair! I haven't cleaned my drain in weeks! HTH someone :)

I use it. I love it. Except when I see how much hair I have shed. :mad:
i most definitely need one cuz my drain is clogged now and i keep forgetting to tell maintenance to come clean it the things fit on all drains?
onepraying said:
I got one! I got one! I got one! I've had it for several months now. I've heard about the horror of paying for plumber to come out for extended drain clog problems.

It DOES look like a little white hat. Someone cleaned my bathroom and moved it. I can't wash with out it. I found it on tuesday :yay: This actually helps me keep up with how much hair I actually lose. It is a MUST have.

I found mine in walmart in the bathroom hardware section(where the toilet seats and stuff are).

I got one of these too. I also use it to see how much hair I'm losing. Especially after I relax. I used the little white hat one in the states, but the sink drains are different in korea so I had to get one that's made differently, but you can find these almost anywhere, even half way around the world.
I have a haircatcher. I hate it. Hair gets in it then the water backs up anyway. Granted it's not in the drain, but still, it's all around my ankels. I'd just rather use drano a couple times a year and be done with it.
I'll have to get one when I'm at Wal-Mart sometime. I don't get clogged though. Whenever the tub water goes down slowly, I unscrew the drain cover, and as gross as it is, I take a butter knife and pull all of the hair from the inside. This Hair Catcher is a great investment on your drains in the bathtub. It's a lifesaver to keep hair from clogging your drains and, above all things, save you money on plumbing and Roto-Rooting.

good2uuuu said:
I have a haircatcher. I hate it. Hair gets in it then the water backs up anyway. Granted it's not in the drain, but still, it's all around my ankels. I'd just rather use drano a couple times a year and be done with it.
Remove the hair from the hair catcher and place it aside until you get out of the shower. I do this and it works well for me. It's much better than costly drain repairs.
Allandra said:
Remove the hair from the hair catcher and place it aside until you get out of the shower. I do this and it works well for me. It's much better than costly drain repairs.

ITA!! Not only does the catcher clogg and water gets around your ankles, but also, oils and stuff, yuck. :barf: I just clean it off between rinses like Allandra said.

My husband says Drano is ultimately bad for your pipes.

It seems to only work on the drains that are flat or the little metal plug thing doesn't stick way up, like in my tubs. So I only wash my daughter's hair in the sink now.