Anyone with Really Light Hair Here?


New Member
Maybe I've been watching that new Beyonce video (Me, Myself, & I) and that new Ruben Studard video (Sorry 2004), but I am wanting lighter tresses. I love Regan Gomez-Preston's hair in Ruben's video. Do any of you ladies with relaxed hair have blonde, light brown, honey colored tresses? Have you experienced extreme breakage? I have a very good beautician and she uses excellent products, I just want to know what you all's experiences have been like...and if you have any tips/suggestions?
Mine is between #27 and #30. I've been permanently/highlighting dyeing for 3 years, and have had no problems, in my opinions. All the problems I have now (ends issues), I had those when my hair was its natural color. My hair is very strong, but everyone's hair is different when it comes to reacting to color.
I LOVE LOVE LOVE light hair and red hair. I used to dye my hair in high school, and I really don't know how my hair withstood it but I don't think my hair can take it now. I have fine hair.

Edited to add: Sorry I couldn't add anything helpful to the thread.
Hey Blaxalrose!

I have sandy brown hair naturally, and I have grown to love it. (Although when I was younger my brother used to say I looked like a lion b/c the sides of my hair were so blond!) Anyways, if you relax, you have to be careful with color b/c it can cause damage and breakage. You have to remember that relaxing is already putting one chemical on your hair, and the color is yet another. People that relax and color usually get less damage if their hair is thicker and coarser than if it's fine. My hair is fine, and when I was in college, relaxing and coloring caused dryness and damage over time. If you do go that route, be sure to get it done professionally, condition, condition, condition, and keep your hair trimmed regularly.
Hi Blaxalrose,

I believe my hair is the same color as ayanapooh's and it is natural also. It's a sandy brown color and gets lighter on the sides, especially in the summer. I find that that hair is lighter and more fine in texture, while the 'interior hair' is more coarse.
I've never dyed my hair, but since I have sections that are lighter, I do try to use products that contain a sunscreen during the warmer months when I'm outside more.
Apparently, hair highlights from the sun are how hair reacts to UV rays and is actually a less severe type of damage (so your hair can get a "tan" or "burn" like skin). So this is probably a good thing to do if you color your hair too since it's more prone to damage.
Take care,
Yep, my hair is colored light, and my natural color is dark brown.
My hair is fine with I'd say medium thickness. I've also had blond highlights, which are just about grown out now. I use Textures & Tones Bronze for my color touchups, and it has served me well!! I've been able to keep my hair healthy and thriving, even with using relaxer and color.

I do frequent protein treatments, and deep condition with heat weekly. Since I started this regimen, my hair has become SO much stronger and healthier!!

It IS possible to have relaxed and color-treated hair. All it takes is some extra TLC.
Blaxalrose--I suggest you check out some threads from the kitchen chemist/ color guru Tracy.:) I'll see if I can bump some of the threads where she discusses color over relaxed hair.
Yeah, Blaxalrose,

I remember my hair idols when I got mine dyed light was Blue Cantrel and Toni Braxton. My haistylist said "No! Your hair will fall out of your head if you go that light!"

Anyway, she lightened me as much as she would and then I took matters a little further (does the name "sun in' mean anything to anybody?). Today, I still have my length, but I am not retaining my growth - maybe it is too weak because my older strands are were the processed ones....

Once you do it, just be sure to do the protein conditioners, and weekly deep conditioners like Lindy says. My hairstylist also had me using Fermodyl Leave In #233 for double processed hair after each wash.

I will pm Tracy to respond to this thread.
Ok here's my take and then I'll try to post a pic of my fav color (on my hair) so you can see.....

I don't think color HAS to be damaging and before I overdid it, I'll explain the whole fiasco if anyone is interested but I'll save the digression for now) I was extremely happy both with the color and the health of my hair.

In fact - it was healthier LIGHTER than it has been since I dyed it darker.

To answer your question Cheryl... I was so devastated when I went dark that I tried like a demon to lighten my hair again even though I KNEW 1. that I had gone to dark to go light again safely without help and a miracle and 2. I was getting too intense about it.

I dyed my hair (yes - DYED) repeatedly roughly twice a week for two weeks. After time number FIVE (yes FIVE) into week three, I gave up. So did my hair.
Okay...let's see if I can get this to work....I'm technically challenged - so bear with me.
Oh my God...I'd be "calba" (bald) if I did that...then again, Ive learned so much here that it may have been ok like it was for you...congrats on knowing so much about color and your hair that you can recover from stuff like this!

You look cute in that pic! How is your hair cut in the back now?

And I WILL be praying for you girl, and pray for me as well, b/c my search starts in March!

alright - you have to cut and paste the url into a seperate browser.
I suck. sorry.
Oh - it wasn't happy believe me. You'll see the difference in the health when I post new pics tomorrow. But it's still on my head - and I'm grateful.

P.S. All you "already" attorneys stay put please and give us fresh grads a shot in HE double hockey sticks to find work!!!!
How adorable she is! Kelly lovely color...I wish mine were natural lucky girl!

Blaxel - not yet...but I will be in May (graduation).
I think with the job hunting sites - those places just aren't looking for "new grads". They was experienced attorneys. The options for us (unless you're law review) are still slim pickins....add that to the fact that I want to relocate to the South - and it's been rough going.

I'm gonna PM you tho if you don't mind. I want to pick your brain. Don't worry - I've done it to all the L's on the board. You're in GREAT company!