Anyone with high porosity still out there? What are you using now

My hair is dry, it can completely dry in under an hour...but that is just how my hair is...I guess because of how kinky it is.

I just use my world of curls curl activator gel and aloe vera gel. WOC is the only thing that really moisturizes my hair like talking about.

I don't use protein. My hair hates it and will become so hard that even laying on my hair hurts because it becomes so rough and rigid

Could it be your weekly proteins are too strong and drying your hair out? I consider my hair highly porous (natural and I have color) and from my understanding Komaza and the SSI are strong protein conditioners.

I use protein weekly either by a) using Aphogee 2 min then following up with the moisturizing DC or b) mixed some of the Komaza Protein Strengthener with a protein free DC using more of the protein free DC then the Komaza.

I too use a protein leave in and then follow up with a protein free leave in.

I've seen others layer their DCs with oil. I oil my scalp while DCing and it helps keep my dry scalp at bay. Perhaps laying your DC with an oil might help?
If you are hi-po, do a monthly or bi-weekly aloe vera gel (avg) PREPOO on your scalp. The benefits of the protein agents in AVG will keep your hair strong and frizz-free. My hi-po areas are prone to frizz during humid months (which could be any day down in Miami). The frizz is disgusting. AVG on my scalp, and/or light protein (Aphogee 2 min) every other week is essential to my transition. I'm currently 91 weeks post. image-959196544.jpg image-356096482.jpg

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What kinds of proteins are listed in your products? I asked bc there are diff ones that often provide diff results depending on what the hair needs at the time. Also, what kind of moisturizer are you using?

My hair used to dry that fast before and throughout the first year of my HHJ. I would just smooth it back with my hands into a ponytail and tie on a satin scarf until I was ready to do my WEEKLY flat iron :YIKES:

Even after falling in love with the conditioning benefits of henna and using a protein containing (keratin) product at every wash my hair was/is still porous.

Then I stumbled across a blog post on the diff between hair that is hydrated vs hair that is just moisturized. When the hair is hydrated you can see and feel the diff easily bc it is hydrated deep within each strand. My hair has finally started to turn around thanks to hydrating products.

Here are some products that leave my hair very noticeably hydrated. Im sure there are others as well:

Claudie's normalizing dc
This is the first hydrating product I used other than Infusium 23 leave in. I was floored by the diff in the look and feel of my hair.

Aphogee curlific texture treatment
Shea Moisture Mufura & Manuka Honey masque

Joico Moisture Recovery treatment balm, poo and rinse out conditioner
This is the line I have been using lately. It gives me the protein and hydration I need.
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I agree with others in that the protein products that you're using may be too strong for regular use. And since your hair analysis said normal to high porosity, it may not need those in particular for every wash day. So maybe start alternating your washes for protein and moisture.

You could use a medium protein every other week to once a month and then maintain you hair's strength with a mild-protein leave-in.

Check the kinds of proteins in the products too. Wheat and animal proteins are very strengthening and some form films over your hair, so try using those for your medium treatments. Silk protein products are very moisturizing for my hair so maybe give that a try for your mild protein leave-in.
I think that women with high porosity hair have to think about two things mostly ph in products and sebum.

Many commercial products do not interact very well with our sebum and can cause dryness of the scalp.

If you have hi po hair I would suggest an acidic rinse (aloe vera juice and a bit of distilled water) or as a pre poo for about 15 to 30 minutes with a plastic cap. And then your water rinse or shampoo/conditioner routine. I find that aloe vera juice works well with hi po sebum.

But some women can be allergic to aloe vera juice so test first.

Your leave ins should fall within a range of 4.5 ph.

I also do a cold water rinse after I have used the warm water. However, I put the cold water in a spray bottle and spray down my hair after I have finished in the shower. My hair hates cold water submersion in the shower but it likes cold water spritz.

Protein treatments are great as well.

If you have lots of holes in your cuticles you may have to examine if styling techniques like extension braids or mechanical damage or even color could be causing the hair to become ultra porous.

Also if your hair is not long and you can't get it into a protective style, then you may need to do a warm water rinse daily (or several times a week) in the shower followed by a cold water spritz. This helps to properly distribute the moisture in your hair with densely packed, short, hi po hair. But don't forget to try the acidic rinse before you get your hair wet.

Almond Eyes
Reviving this thread. Komaza analysis told me that I was normal to high porosity. They suggested protein treatments after every wash and using a leave-in that contained protein. Well I have been following that routine (I rotate Komaza's Protein Hair Strengthener, SheScentIt's Okra Reconstructor and Mill Creek's Bitotin) followed by SheScentIt Riche Moisture. Within 8-10 minutes my neck length hair is completely dry. I'm not sure what else to do/use to turn my hair around. Anyone have the same issue with hair drying so fast and if so what can I do to normalize it? My hair is just not getting/staying properly moisturized and I'm not sure what else to do at this point.
cocoagirl why don't you try this experiment that I've done to help seal my high po hair. Take some clean shed hairs and place it in a cup of room temperature water and see if it sinks to the bottom. If it sinks then you have high porosity. Next take those shed hairs and apply a leave-in conditioner to it then place it back in the water. If it still sinks then the leave-in isn't enough to seal in the moisture. Keep adding a layer of product until the hair floats. For example, I tried an acidic leave-in and it still sink, then I tried an acidic leave-in and gel, and it still sink. However, when I added an acidic leave-in, gel, and a butter then my hair floated. This tells me that my hair is now properly sealed :yep:. So take your favorite leave-ins and do some experimenting. It'll save you so much time in the long run. HTH
First of you ladies rock! thanks for all the suggs;)


Could it be your weekly proteins are too strong and drying your hair out? I consider my hair highly porous (natural and I have color) and from my understanding Komaza and the SSI are strong protein conditioners.

I use protein weekly either by a) using Aphogee 2 min then following up with the moisturizing DC or b) mixed some of the Komaza Protein Strengthener with a protein free DC using more of the protein free DC then the Komaza.

I too use a protein leave in and then follow up with a protein free leave in.

I've seen others layer their DCs with oil. I oil my scalp while DCing and it helps keep my dry scalp at bay. Perhaps laying your DC with an oil might help?

oneastrocurlie,hmm never thought of the protein conditioners possibly being too strong. Komaza told me to protein weekly so I didn't question or give too much thought to the strength of the conditioners. Sometimes I do layer with oil, either avocado or olive. My hair is moisturized (feeling) after I rinse out the conditioner, it's just the fact that it is dry, literally 7 minutes later, and the fact that my hair feels dry, especially the ends throughout the week so I know that it's not properly hydrated.


I agree with oneastrocurlie. Maybe your treatments are too hard for weekly use. Have you tried any other treatments or different leave ins?
rileypak. No right now I'm just using the Komaza, SSI Okra and Mill Creek, and for moisture condish either SSI or Annabelle's Ayurvedic mud mask. Before the analysis I would never use protein on my hair, well here and there I would use ORS but I thought protein would dry out my already dry hair. I didn't realize I was porous and supposedly need protein conditioners to maintain that. For leave ins I have been using KCKT and Darcy's Lemongrass for some years, just added the Redken anti snap because it contains protein. Looks like I have to rethink or alternate some things...smh

If you are hi-po, do a monthly or bi-weekly aloe vera gel (avg) PREPOO on your scalp. The benefits of the protein agents in AVG will keep your hair strong and frizz-free. My hi-po areas are prone to frizz during humid months (which could be any day down in Miami). The frizz is disgusting. AVG on my scalp, and/or light protein (Aphogee 2 min) every other week is essential to my transition. I'm currently 91 weeks post.
CrysMelis I always wondered what i would do to my hair if I ever moved to Miami, lol..the last time I was there I was natural and I think the heat sweated out my gel...:look:
Newho I used to use aloe back in the day but never reupped, think I will revisit it for my scalp. Do you use the gel or the liquid, I know I can purchase the liquid from Trader Joes, the big bottle...


What kinds of proteins are listed in your products? I asked bc there are diff ones that often provide diff results depending on what the hair needs at the time. Also, what kind of moisturizer are you using?

My hair used to dry that fast before and throughout the first year of my HHJ. I would just smooth it back with my hands into a ponytail and tie on a satin scarf until I was ready to do my WEEKLY flat iron :YIKES:

Even after falling in love with the conditioning benefits of henna and using a protein containing (keratin) product at every wash my hair was/is still porous.

Then I stumbled across a blog post on the diff between hair that is hydrated vs hair that is just moisturized. When the hair is hydrated you can see and feel the diff easily bc it is hydrated deep within each strand. My hair has finally started to turn around thanks to hydrating products.

Here are some products that leave my hair very noticeably hydrated. Im sure there are others as well:

Claudie's normalizing dc
This is the first hydrating product I used other than Infusium 23 leave in. I was floored by the diff in the look and feel of my hair.

Aphogee curlific texture treatment
Shea Moisture Mufura & Manuka Honey masque

Joico Moisture Recovery treatment balm, poo and rinse out conditioner
This is the line I have been using lately. It gives me the protein and hydration I need.
mshoneyfly, girl I dun went to the cabinet to get my condish's...lemme c..the SSI okra contains okra extract, panthenol, hydrolyzed keratin, hydrolyzed soy protein, wheat amino acids, what germ oil, rice protein.

The Komaza contains hydrolyzed keratin, hydrolyzed silk protein, hydrolyzed collagen, jojoba protein and wheat protein.

The Mill Creek contains biotin, panthenol, hydrolyzed keratin, hydrolyzed collagen

For moisturizer I use KCKT or Darcy's Transitioning cream throughout the week on my ends mostly some down the length as well, perhaps they aren't moisturizing enough. I also use Annabelle's ayurvedic hair cream from time to time.

I want to try Claudie but I think her shop is closed right now..
I just threw out a bottle of Joico recovery, I bought it a while ago and don't remember liking it but I can't remember why...
cocoagirl why don't you try this experiment that I've done to help seal my high po hair. Take some clean shed hairs and place it in a cup of room temperature water and see if it sinks to the bottom. If it sinks then you have high porosity. Next take those shed hairs and apply a leave-in conditioner to it then place it back in the water. If it still sinks then the leave-in isn't enough to seal in the moisture. Keep adding a layer of product until the hair floats. For example, I tried an acidic leave-in and it still sink, then I tried an acidic leave-in and gel, and it still sink. However, when I added an acidic leave-in, gel, and a butter then my hair floated. This tells me that my hair is now properly sealed :yep:. So take your favorite leave-ins and do some experimenting. It'll save you so much time in the long run. HTH

tashboog, I thought I had lo po hair because my hair didn't sink.. Then I had the analysis and was told that I am actually normal/high po. I know sometimes that test isn't accurate... Since my hair doesn't sink, how can I adjust this testing to test for properly sealed hair?
tashboog, I thought I had lo po hair because my hair didn't sink.. Then I had the analysis and was told that I am actually normal/high po. I know sometimes that test isn't accurate... Since my hair doesn't sink, how can I adjust this testing to test for properly sealed hair?
If you have normal/hi po hair then that means only part of your hair is hi po. Yes this test can be inaccurate, but it can give you a good starting point. Normal porosity hair will float in the middle of the water. Take one strand and place it in the water to see what it does. If part of it floats and the other part of it doesn't then treat your hair like its high porosity. If u push down on the hair it will more than likely sink, but lo po hair will eventually float back up to the top of the water. If your hair doesn't float back up and it's still at the bottom then you can try the layering your product test that I mentioned earlier. The key is to let the hair sit for at least 15 min to see if the strand absorbs the water or not. Usually with high po hair it only take a few seconds for it to absorb the water so it almost immediately sink. However, with the other two you need at least 15 min to see if the water absorbs or sit on top of the hair strand.

I also did the hair analysis test a year ago and mine was also normal/high porosity hair. They actually told me that the last 3 inches of my hair was highly porous and that I need to gradually trim them off which I did, but my hair still behaves like it's highly porous :look:. So therefore, I have to treat my hair like it's hi po hair. Did they tell you which part of your hair was hi po hair? If it's your ends then you may have to slowly trim off the hi po hair or learn how to manage it like most of us are doing. I don't believe that hi po hair is automatically damaged hair cuz I don't do anything damaging to my hair. Some of us just naturally have highly porous hair so we just have to learn how to manage it :yep:.

faithVA since you have lo po hair can you chime in and add some of your expert assistance on this subject matter :grin:
The water test isn't all that accurate

Skip the water test and try to gauge how your hair responds under certain conditions.

ETA - Keeping a hair journal has greatly helped me determine and remember what my hair loves , likes, and hates. I use the Evernote app on my phone. Each wash day I'll add what I used and how my hair felt. Takes less than 5 mins a week. I may add to the note during the week if I switch up what I use to moisturize daily. I have so many products (cause I'm a PJ lol) I forget why I did or didn't like something. It's really been helpful to keep track of it.
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The water test isn't all that accurate

Skip the water test and try to gauge how your hair responds under certain conditions.

ETA - Keeping a hair journal has greatly helped me determine and remember what my hair loves , likes, and hates. I use the Evernote app on my phone. Each wash day I'll add what I used and how my hair felt. Takes less than 5 mins a week. I may add to the note during the week if I switch up what I use to moisturize daily. I have so many products (cause I'm a PJ lol) I forget why I did or didn't like something. It's really been helpful to keep track of it.
oneastrocurlie I'm not suggesting for the OP to use it to test her porosity, but as a gauge to try to help her figure out the best product combination to seal moisture into her hair. I was able to to take out some of the guess work by testing products using this method simply cuz my hair absorbs water fast and lose moisture just as fast. My hair sinks but when I do the layering method it floats so I'm just simply suggesting to use this as a baseline to help her figure out how to seal in the moisture.
oneastrocurlie I'm not suggesting for the OP to use it to test her porosity, but as a gauge to try to help her figure out the best product combination to seal moisture into her hair. I was able to to take out some of the guess work by testing products using this method simply cuz my hair absorbs water fast and lose moisture just as fast. My hair sinks but when I do the layering method it floats so I'm just simply suggesting to use this as a baseline to help her figure out how to seal in the moisture.

I tried the water test before and like some others didn't walk away with any conclusions. But for you it did. Which is cool because what works for one doesn't always work for the other. We would simply agree to disagree about the test being useful. I found that trying different product combinations on my head and taking note works better than testing a few strands in water, especially since 99% of the time my hair isn't sitting in water.
I tried the water test before and like some others didn't walk away with any conclusions. But for you it did. Which is cool because what works for one doesn't always work for the other. We would simply agree to disagree about the test being useful. I found that trying different product combinations on my head and taking note works better than testing a few strands in water, especially since 99% of the time my hair isn't sitting in water.
I agree with you about the water test not being accurate, but it was only a suggestion. I was only stating that if the hair sink to the bottom then it would be easier to determine how to seal in the moisture. At the end of the day, we have to do what's best for our own hair, and like you said it worked for me but it may not work for her. But I think all input is helpful whether we agree or disagree :yep:.
If you have normal/hi po hair then that means only part of your hair is hi po. Yes this test can be inaccurate, but it can give you a good starting point. Normal porosity hair will float in the middle of the water. Take one strand and place it in the water to see what it does. If part of it floats and the other part of it doesn't then treat your hair like its high porosity. If u push down on the hair it will more than likely sink, but lo po hair will eventually float back up to the top of the water. If your hair doesn't float back up and it's still at the bottom then you can try the layering your product test that I mentioned earlier. The key is to let the hair sit for at least 15 min to see if the strand absorbs the water or not. Usually with high po hair it only take a few seconds for it to absorb the water so it almost immediately sink. However, with the other two you need at least 15 min to see if the water absorbs or sit on top of the hair strand.

I also did the hair analysis test a year ago and mine was also normal/high porosity hair. They actually told me that the last 3 inches of my hair was highly porous and that I need to gradually trim them off which I did, but my hair still behaves like it's highly porous :look:. So therefore, I have to treat my hair like it's hi po hair. Did they tell you which part of your hair was hi po hair? If it's your ends then you may have to slowly trim off the hi po hair or learn how to manage it like most of us are doing. I don't believe that hi po hair is automatically damaged hair cuz I don't do anything damaging to my hair. Some of us just naturally have highly porous hair so we just have to learn how to manage it :yep:.

faithVA since you have lo po hair can you chime in and add some of your expert assistance on this subject matter :grin:

tashboog, I think you have explained it quite well. From the low po side, I haven't done the product layering test as of yet. But your write up of this has given me some ideas but I'm still thinking through it. Your high po hair loses moisture quickly so putting the layers on and dropping it in the water works pretty well. But since my hair floats naturally, for product testing, I think what a lo porosity person might need to do is push the hair down and let it float back up to the top and then do LOC on the strand and let it sit out of the water for a day. Then drop it back in the water to see if the product has sealed well. I still have to think this through.

I think this is a great way to test products though on high porosity hair, versus washing, applying product, letting the hair dry out and then trying another combination a week later. You can knock out 10 product combinations in a few minutes.