Anyone who knows about/uses vigorol Please help!


New Member
My mom wants me to put vigorol in her hair. Currently I press it for her. Her old stylist pressed and did a vigorol. Is this a relaxer that is just like all the others? Is it really the mildest relaxer?

Should it only be applied to new growth? I remeber seeing her pour it on all of her hair...

I don't want my mom to end up looking like her -->

because of me!
its a liquid relaxer i believe. i have some in my room right now that i bought about a year ago. i think you can put the vigorol in, but its not as harsh as with a regular box relaxer and it doesnt straighten completely. my cousin used to get the same thing done to her hair because its so thick
Vigorol broke my hair off when I was about 10 or 11 years old. It was awful. Very traumatic!
It has a bad smell too. It's a mild relaxer but I don't think my hairdresser rinsed it out completely so that's why I experienced hair breakage.
It stinks like the devil... that's about all I know about it!!!
It smells really strong... I was afraid to put it in my daughter's hair when she was transitioning...
I recently gave that bottle of it away to my coworker, whose son uses it!!