Anyone using Sylver2's regimen?


New Member
Hi everone! Sylver2's status is bordering on SUPERSTAR, and I was wondering if anyone is following her regimen? With all the posts I've read on her progress, I took the liberty of studying her fotki and ordering the products she uses--Lacio Lacio in particular, cuz we don't get that kinda love here, in the Midwest.

I am amazed that she made such progress w/o protective styles! I plan on digging in and following her regimen, to see if I can get the same results.

I've never started a challenge before and probably wont now ;), but I think a Sylver2 challenge, is worth a try (peronally, at least).
I really want to use her regimen, particularly the NO COMBING low manipulation. I find combing a terrible habit to break, but one that would benefit me greatly and I think get me over this terrible APL-BSL hump.

I'm in if anyone else is...
I started her no combing regimen, and I use most of the products she has, and so far so good, I love NTM, I just added dry hair deep conditioning, so that should be better for me, IMO, I think her regimen will do wonders for people, I still wear protective styling, but with my braidouts and moisturizing my ends and sealing them with jojoba oil or cocasta oil (from Hairveda), I can wear my hair down with no combing has been hard for me, but the braidouts help me keep the comb out of my hair. But I'm thinking about stretching for a while myself.....but I like her regimen, and I believe if you do just like she explains, you will maintain great lengths......she's one of my hair idols!
I really want to use her regimen, particularly the NO COMBING low manipulation. I find combing a terrible habit to break, but one that would benefit me greatly and I think get me over this terrible APL-BSL hump.

I'm in if anyone else is...

Girl no combing is hard, but have you tried braidouts, that has helped me keep the comb out of my hair....I haven't combed since Wed(I just started), if it wasn't for braidouts, I don't know what I would be doing......:yep:
I've been trying to be good with no combing as well. I've been doing the bantu knots all week and haven't combed. I plan to wash tonight so I'll see how it goes. So far so good.

Thx Sylver! :)
I do her scarf method faithfully when I have a lot of new growth.. Actually, I have been doing it for the past three years now. I tried her braidout. I need more practice with it though.

The only thing I can't do from her regimen is blowdrying and flat ironing. Big mistake for me. I tried it a couple of years back. I just can't do the blow drying thing now that I'm almost waist...tooo much on the arms. I have to stick with my airdrying and protective buns.

I am reconsidering the NTM Leave in though. I ran out and just didn't repurchase cuz I jumped on the bandwagon with Hawaiian Silky 14 n 1 and some other stuff.
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I follow her method now. I followed her routine to a T at one point. I still follow it now I just switched the products. As a matter of fact when I first diverted off her regime. I started having problems lol.
Thanks for your responses ladies! I can't say I do much combing other than on wash days. My biggest problem is styling my hair for my half-wig. I don't have hair on my temples (results from childhood ponytails), so I have to do a comb over and sometimes, I have to use a brush to smooth down those areas. As a result, my hair is thinner in the front. The reason why Sylver's regimen appealed to me, is because she doesn't use any protective aids (wigs, weaves, buns, growth aids, etc.), to grow her hair.

A braidout, is my "go-to" style; I never get it wrong! I can definitely stick w/ it. My only dilemma is how to protect my ends and wouldn't you know, Sylver has a moisturizing solution for that!

Currently, I'm about 12 weeks post and don't plan on relaxing until around March or April. I want to appreciate the look and style of my hair and not have to worry about putting it up, for it to grow. Know what I mean?
I want to appreciate the look and style of my hair and not have to worry about putting it up, for it to grow. Know what I mean?

Yea, I know what you mean. I feel the same way. I want to wear my hair down more often. However, I think I'm paranoid when my hair is out especially now it's brutally cold and windy here in Chicago. Then I have to be conscious of the coat or sweater I wear, my hair getting caught in the zipper, etc.
I did my own version. I cowashed everyday, wore a braidout everyday, and detangled once a week. I probably could've done it every other week, but I was stretching, and would DC on detangling day as well. I did this for an entire summer and it worked out very well for me.
For one week I didn't pick or brush my hair but I gave in and brushed it out. I was looking scragly. The next time I wash my hair, which is tonight, I"ll put the scarf on my hair to keep my new growth flat. I'm just concerned about my ends though. I like the bantu knots, but it doesn't smooth my ends. I'm going to just have to go back to my perm rods again.
This would be a good regimen to follow I think. I do parts of it: the low manipulation and the scarf method when I have lots of ng. Both of those are good techniques to follow.
I think I am doing this unintentionally. She WAS my first hair inspiration andwhat led me to LHCF in the first place, though.

I have been no combing / low mani for a while. My hair loves it. I am stretching longer than I have in a while too.

When I first started, I drove myself crazy with always keeping my hair up, daily or every other day cowashing, and daily moisturizing.

Now when my hair is up, it is out of convenience because I am not used to the extra length, and I let it down whenever I want. Ivediscovered that my hair likes being treated and conditioned less often, but longer/more thoroughly, and otherwise left alone.

On my way to eat I bumped into a friend from my home town just 30 minutes ago, and I had my LARGE hood up, but the 1st thing out of her mouth was "your hair!" And her eyes were bugging. Mind you, she saw me just a month ago too.

I think Sylver's techniques are great and I love the morelax approach. It also allows me to spend little time and money on my hair compared to what I hear from other LHCFers.
I don't use her regimen, but her regimen has encourages me to do a few things: wear low manipulation styles, be consistent with my regimen, and be patient. I apply these to non-hair related goals as well.

Whenever I get impatient with my hair, Slyver is one of people I think of. She, via her fotki album, teaches and reminds me that PATIENCE works. That woman is one of the most patient, consistent, dedicated, and helpful hair grower on this forum. I really admire her.
I'm confused, how is a braidout a protective style?

Braidouts are more a low manipulation style. If you moisturize your hair properly, your hair can really thrive from wearing this style. No combing is required, you don't have to rebraid every night (just gather your hair on top of your head, loosely rubberband it, and throw on a bonnet. In the morning, shake and go!), and you can basically leave your hair alone for a week or longer.
I would love to use her regimen, but my hair is too short to only comb only on wash days. When my hair gets longer it may be do-able.
I planned to use her regime for a while now but I keep on getting set backs and my hair is not as long as I'd like it to be. But once I get to BSL, I sure will. I kinda use a similar regime but my hair is under a half wig. And I take the half wig down once a week to wash and moisturize.