anyone use silk elements NO-LYE?


Well-Known Member
I hear all the Kusdos for lye silk elements on the threads but I was curious because Sally's had a sale over the weekend and i thought about it.
I use the no-lye on my daughter. She has what I would consider to be 3c/4a hair. Her natural hair grows in thick, kinky waves (if that makes sense) and it did really well on her hair. She's more texturized, though, than relaxed straight. I relax it just enough to take out the "kink" and leave most of the waves.:)
I do. The Sally's near our house doesnt carry the LYE version. I dont know why. The sales lady even went to the back room to check if they had any there. In the end I was told to try the other location but I didnt have the time so I just got the NO-LYE. I left is on a little longer than recommended but I was happy with the results and my hair is really resistant.