Anyone use Mane N Tail Olive Oil Moisturizing Cream??


New Member
Hi Ladies,

I saw this and purchased it at the BSS last week the ingredients looked good (water was the first, followed by Olive Oil, I think). I'm trying to find a pic online.

Just wanted to check if anyone has used this or the carrot oil version? It comes in a jar.
i've tried it, liked it for a lil while, then stopped caring for it. I still have like 3/4 a jar left.
TSUprincess04 said:
i've tried it, liked it for a lil while, then stopped caring for it. I still have like 3/4 a jar left.

Same here! I still have practically an entire left. I just did not care for it either.
I've only used it once (yesterday) so I can't tell how it's working or not working really. I sprayed by braid spray under my weave and then used my finger to apply it to my hair under the weave. We'll see.
I tried it for two months. I had bought two jars of that and my hair did not like it all, I had a lot of breakage, so I switched to NTM leave in and the breakage started to subside.