Anyone use Ion products?


New Member
i was in sally's and saw these products. is this sally's personal line, because i thought silk elements was their line.

if you used the products, did you like them and which ones did you like? i am in the market for a good reconstructor.

holla atcha gurl!

i used them a good while ago but didn't like what i used (don't even ask me to remember what it was!) so i didn't buy them again. but that was before i really cared about taking care of my that for what it's worth.
The only product that I've used consistently is their reconstructor. I find the cream conditioners to be pretty disappointing. Can't say much about the styling products or shampoos.
NtheNameofJesus! said:
i used them a good while ago but didn't like what i used (don't even ask me to remember what it was!) so i didn't buy them again. but that was before i really cared about taking care of my that for what it's worth.

thanks chica!
myco said:
The only product that I've used consistently is their reconstructor. I find the cream conditioners to be pretty disappointing. Can't say much about the styling products or shampoos.

how is that working for you?
I like it. I think that my hair responds better to gel/liquid consistency reconstructors. Plus it's inexpensive and I know that I can go into any Sally's and find it.
I used their reconstructor for the first time about 2 weeks ago. It didn't do anything special for my hair. I still have another sample package to I'll see what it's like the next time around.
I got 10 of them blickies I hope they work on me :lol:

RabiaElaine said:
I used their reconstructor for the first time about 2 weeks ago. It didn't do anything special for my hair. I still have another sample package to I'll see what it's like the next time around.
I tried the reconstructor and the Deep treatment, they were ok, I've used better...I still have the 2 of them in my bathroom, I mix them with other oils or conditioners and get good results.
I love the reconstructor! There was an immediate improvement in my hair's texture after using it. It was on sale for .99, and I only use half a package for each application. I thought it was great for the price!

I apply a hot towel on top and then a plastic cap and wash it out after about 45 to 60 minutes. I plan to alternate between this and the ORS pak for my DC treatments.
Um, I used the reconstructor last night and I LOVE IT!!! Its the only one where I feel like I have Immediate impact..

Im going to grab myself a nice big bottle this weekend :D
I've used the reconstructor and the Extreme Moisture Nurturing Creme. They were okay. Nothing fascinating for my hair though.
I tried the reconstructor a while back and it didn't do a thing for my hair. I ended mixing it with a couple of other conditioners and used it as a pre-poo just to get rid of it.
I purchased a sample of their reconstructor and was not impressed. In fact, even after following up with a deep moisture treatment, it left my hair feeling rough and looking dull. I have not had the inclination to sample any of their other products. *shrugs*
WesternEyes said:
I've used the reconstructor and the Extreme Moisture Nurturing Creme. They were okay. Nothing fascinating for my hair though.

This week I started using the extreme moisture as a leave-in and it works awesomely for me. Very pleased.

I also liked the reconstructor, am planning on trying the moisturizing treatment and might switch exclusively to this brand for the summer.

I've only been using it for a week though so I'll have to use it longer to verify I like it ...but so far so great.