Anyone use Carol's Daughter only?


Active Member
I have been thinking of going to totally natural products. Has anyone had success using only Carol's daughter products? If I don't go to these I may try aveda, even though they are not 100% natural.

I am currently using Nexxus, I just put to 2 liter Nexxus therappe shampoos on ebay to try to unload some stock.

Any feedback on experience with Carol's daughter would be greatly appreciated!!
hmm...i don't think it would be that expensive. if you are a product junkie, i'm sure you'd be saving money by just buying the entire line of a brand, rather than buying this and that.

I can't give my advice because I haven't ONLY CD...but I don't see how it would be a bad idea. It would make sense to me to use the entire line (for your hair type) to get the best out of all the products...ya know. Just my .2.

I went to Sephora the other week and I saw it and was soooo excited. I thought of LHCF. I opened it and smelled it and I just couldn't see myself using it. No matter how well it works. Now MTG on the other hand...:lachen: