Anyone use Bonner Brothers Products?


Well-Known Member
I stumbled upon BB Oil Moisturizer in Sallys the other day. I picked it up and read the ingredients and it's got castor oil, aloe vera gel, coconut oil etc. No mineral oil though so I decided to buy it even though I was skeptical. Got home washed my hair, airdried then used BB Oil Moisturizer................OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:drunk: Hold on let me catch my was the truth!! My hair felt moisturized all day and the next day without the tacky feel you get from S Curl or Wave Nouveau.

Has anyone else used this?
Yep. I love that stuff. I stopped for awhile just to test other products, but you've reminded me to keep using it. I almost gave it away, but I didn't have the power within me to do so.
Grrrrl this stuff is da bomb. Wish I had discovered it like years ago! Lets hope they don't get stupid and try to reinvent or discontinue the formula. You know how that goes!
i used to love their foam wrapping lotion, and pump it up gold was a staple in my quick weave days but not since i've been natural...well i have used pump it up to slick down pressed edges once or twice.
I have the Oil moisturizer and the Super Gro grease. I really like them on my daughters' hair. Just so you are aware, the Oil Moisturizer does contain mineral oil. It's listed as paraffinum liquidum.

Thanks for telling me that. These companies get cleaver and cleaver! Maybe I should just use it on wet hair instead of dry hair. Why the mineral oil anyway!!!???