anyone use Back to Basics Products??


Well-Known Member
I just so happened to pass through Trade Secret the other day, and saw that Back to Basic Products were 25% off.

I decided to purchase the Raspberry Almond conditioner


and the Sunflower Leave-In Conditioner.

Both have some pretty nice ingredients.

Haven't tried the conditioner yet, but I use the Sunflower Leave-In conditioner as a moisturizer on dry hair. it is WONDERFUL!!! leaves my hair feeling soft and supple, even after the product dries. no crunchiness, and it leaves a very pleasant sunflower scent :yep:

Does anyone else use Back to Basics products? Love 'em? Hate 'em? Dish, please!!
I don't think i've ever use this but it sounds nice. I might have to check it out.

OT: Back in the day I used to use this Sunflower leave-in spray and I loved it. I wonder what brand that was.
When I started my HHJ they were the first products I used. I still use the clarifying shampoo. I also tried the pomegranate conditioner--it is so thick it hurt my wrist to get it out of the bottle. I ended up buying the liter bottles for $12 apiece, which probably did not help squeezing it out. I also used the yellow shampoo and conditioner--I think it is coconut mango?

Quite honestly, they worked pretty well for me. I gave them up in favour of finding shampoos and conditioners without sulfates or cones, but I was happy to give them to my mother because they were nice to me.

Hope that helps.
I use and love the Back to Basics Honey Hydrating Conditioner. I use it to cowash and DC. It is great. It always leaves my hair feels like butter and really gives me slip. It has been discontinued and I didn't want to be without it so I bought a case of 12 - 1 liter bottles off eBay. I have enough conditioner to last me a long time.

As far as the other products I don't know. I am content with this one so I haven't searched for anything else.
and the Sunflower Leave-In Conditioner.

Both have some pretty nice ingredients.

Haven't tried the conditioner yet, but I use the Sunflower Leave-In conditioner as a moisturizer on dry hair. it is WONDERFUL!!! leaves my hair feeling soft and supple, even after the product dries. no crunchiness, and it leaves a very pleasant sunflower scent :yep:
Poookie do you know of anywhere online where the ingredients are posted online? I am in the market for a good leave in/moisturizer.

ETA: I found the ingredients at
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