Anyone use a Protein Shampoo?


New Member
I finally am understanding and seeing the benifits of protein conditioners--and now i want to see what's up with protein shampoos.

Why do u use a protien shampoo?
Which do u use?
How are u using it? Every wash, as needed etc?
When u choose to use it--does that affect if u use a protien cond. or not?

I bought Motions Protein Shampoo but even after doing a search, i'm not sure what i want to do with it.

Please share your experiences.:)
I have fine hair, so protein is a must for my hair. i use Aveda DR shampoo which has quinoa protein in it, before that i used Elucence clarifying for my first poo, nfollowed by moisture acdifying...

I use one of these shampoose with EVERY wash.. i cant say how it has impacted my hair... I certainly dont think its been negative. I prefer that my hair not be mushy after my shampoo, i look to my condiitomers to soften things up. My hair is not hard after i wash with the portein poo, just stronger feeling. I dont believe protein poos are as impactful as protein conditioners or treatments since the function of shampoo is to clean the hair as opposed to repair it like condits.
Thanks for ur input!!

I have fine hair too---i think i will give it a try and wash w/ it for afew weeks and see how my hair likes it!

thanks again!