Anyone tried the new E'tae Carmelux line?

I am so convinced after watching this video - that this may be the solution to my hair and all our hair problems - by keeping it this simple. So I ordered the products yesterday and wanted to know if anyone has tried the new line?

I have ordered their caramel treatment before which I thought was superb- but they are discontinued! But this new line looks ALL TOO PROMISING!!
I was just going to ask about this product today. Please let us know how it works for you. I'm definitely looking into it. It does seem promising, but its really expensive. If its worth it, I'll buy it, so please let us know.
Yes I will def try this and get back to you all. I'm currently a college student who has NO TIME for constant deep conditoners/mixes and prepoos. I know it's expensive, but I needed a solution and these products felt like they were! I'm crossing my fingers and praying to GOD that he's truly sent us an answer! lol.
Yes! I bought the new Carmelux line thinking it was the answer to my transitioning hair. I quickly found out it was the worst product I ever purchased. The shampoo had no lather, the conditioner had no slip and left my hair feeling and looking dull. After trying this out on my hair and my daughters 3c natural hair I was really disappointed. So much so I emailed the owner and explained how my hair turned out and how unhappy I was ( I am yet to hear a response)

On the brighter side.. I love the caramel treatment. I make it at home using Etaes recipe and it is heaven sent for my 10 mth post relaxer hair.
Yes! I bought the new Carmelux line thinking it was the answer to my transitioning hair. I quickly found out it was the worst product I ever purchased. The shampoo had no lather, the conditioner had no slip and left my hair feeling and looking dull. After trying this out on my hair and my daughters 3c natural hair I was really disappointed. So much so I emailed the owner and explained how my hair turned out and how unhappy I was ( I am yet to hear a response)

On the brighter side.. I love the caramel treatment. I make it at home using Etaes recipe and it is heaven sent for my 10 mth post relaxer hair.

Thanks, I saw ur other post, I'd like to hear more from others!
a couple of coworkers use the product love them. they use to go to her slaon prior to her closing it. now see peole who use to work in her salons. my coworkers really have long healthy shiny bouncy natural hair. they are the reason I went natural
Yes! I bought the new Carmelux line thinking it was the answer to my transitioning hair. I quickly found out it was the worst product I ever purchased. The shampoo had no lather, the conditioner had no slip and left my hair feeling and looking dull. After trying this out on my hair and my daughters 3c natural hair I was really disappointed. So much so I emailed the owner and explained how my hair turned out and how unhappy I was ( I am yet to hear a response)

On the brighter side.. I love the caramel treatment. I make it at home using Etaes recipe and it is heaven sent for my 10 mth post relaxer hair.
Will you share the caramel treatment recipe?
a couple of coworkers use the product love them. they use to go to her slaon prior to her closing it. now see peole who use to work in her salons. my coworkers really have long healthy shiny bouncy natural hair. they are the reason I went natural

My sister used to work with the person who created this, her name is Janet. She is the person who told me about it. I am curious as to how well it works.
Caramel recipe from the original Etae product ( the old one) You don't have to use a banana or the xathan gum to get good results.

Honey 1/2 cup
olive oil 1/4 cup
overripe banana - 1
molasses 1/8 cup
Xathan Gum - Sprinkle
acv -squirt
Wheat germ oil - 1 tsps
Keep in mind you can use the oil of your choice like olive or jojoba. The wheat germ is just used to preserve (extend the life of) the other natural ingredients.
Keep in mind you can use the oil of your choice like olive or jojoba. The wheat germ is just used to preserve (extend the life of) the other natural ingredients.

Well wheat germ oil has ceramides, which are important for hair health, so I wouldn't recommend switching it out.
Thanks Lucky.
Ok!! I tried the shampoo, conditioner, and moisturizer on a sample strand of my hair because I have a weave on. Let me tell you, this is the bomb for us because my hair was so moisturized, non greasy after the hair wash & conditioner, moisturizer, blowdrying and after flat ironing my hair -- it looked like I had a relaxer in the hair strand! The hair strand was straight and shiny just like like the owner's hair in the vid! THis is def a keep but will try on my ENTIRE hair and post pics soon. I love it so far! :grin:
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Caramel recipe from the original Etae product ( the old one) You don't have to use a banana or the xathan gum to get good results.

Honey 1/2 cup
olive oil 1/4 cup
overripe banana - 1
molasses 1/8 cup
Xathan Gum - Sprinkle
acv -squirt
Wheat germ oil - 1 tsps

Do you have to heat anything up? Do you just mix it together and put it on your hair? Go under the dryer?

More details please :grin:
Do you have to heat anything up? Do you just mix it together and put it on your hair? Go under the dryer?

More details please :grin:

I usually make this in my blender.... It is easy to whip up - and no heat is neccesary.

You can put it on with a relaxer brush to save from some of the stickyness.... :)
And leave it on overnight or one hour with heat under the dryer.

I usually make this in my blender.... It is easy to whip up - and no heat is neccesary.

You can put it on with a relaxer brush to save from some of the stickyness.... :)
And leave it on overnight or one hour with heat under the dryer.


How often do you do this treatment?
I have been using this line for the last month and I am really happy with it. She sent out an email saying to use another conditioner on top of hers, because her condish doesn't have silcones in it. It also lathers really well for me.