
New Member
Ok Ladies,

I have to start this thread b/c I am noticing that I am getting tired of taking and more....

I am a jogger, and I work out alot!! I average a good 5-20+ miles in a week(end) usually. Dont ask! I do it b/c I love it. Though I am a thick sista, I still like to be healthy.

In mentioning is because being healthy is important to me so I take the following: OMEGA 3, B12 (including B6, B1 and multi-vitamins); I take GARLIC, VITAMIN "E", AND HAIR VITAMINS...oohh did I mention my water pills? Yep, them too! And I take IBuprofen for pain if my running gets to rigious; and Mucinex for allergies when they flare up! And when you're running at 5AM - 4 days a week...they do!...LOL

*Note: I tried MSM, but that stuff was HAZARDOUS to my Them things broke me out in hives after 1 day. BTW, I have 3 bottles I am willing to sell to anyone who can take them with no problesm. I will let them all go for $10+ shipping.

Now let me say, that vitamins are not a fad for me. I have been taking all of these for over 2 years now, and it's paid off! The hair vitamin for the last year. PROBLEM: HAIR VITAMINS ARE SOOO FREAK'N BIG!!! Other vitamins are liquid gels, so they go down easily.

And yes, I have had much progress with mines, but someone needs to put them in a liquid form, darnnit!..lolol

Anyway, so my Q: to you ladies is..."Do you get tired of taking your vitamins?"
I stopped taking vitamins for my hair for about a year now. my hair is healthy and thriving and my hair growth rate is the same.Placebo effect?:perplexed
I only recently STARTED taking more than one multivitamin so I'm not yet burned out. Ask me in a couple months :)
I have been slacking lately, to be honest. :ohwell: I need to do a better job of incorporating them into a fixed schedule with my meals.
For 2 years, I have been taking (quite a few) vitamins regularly, along with regular exercise, primarily for my health...healthy hair has just been a "side effect." :grin:

Yes, I do get tired of taking my vitamins, but when I remember all the improvements that I have seen in my health, I jump up quickly and gobble them down.
Maybe you should take a multi that incorporates some of the supplements you're taking separately. What brands of those supplements do you take? I'm pretty sure you can narrow it down to just two complex supps and still get the necessary nourishment.

I'm not tired of taking them since I take a multi, garlic, acidophilus and an EFA. And it's only the multi that I take more than once a day. And I've been doing this since the early nineties so it's second nature now.
Maybe you should take a multi that incorporates some of the supplements you're taking separately. What brands of those supplements do you take? I'm pretty sure you can narrow it down to just two complex supps and still get the necessary nourishment.

I'm not tired of taking them since I take a multi, garlic, acidophilus and an EFA. And it's only the multi that I take more than once a day. And I've been doing this since the early nineties so it's second nature now.

Why garlic and how much do you take a day?
Why garlic and how much do you take a day?

I don't take my supps for hair but for overall health. I have shared several places about dealing with systemic candidiasis years back and that's when I started to take garlic as part of the treatment. I just never stopped because garlic is good for your body in general. It's particularly good in keeping your cardiovascular system in good shape. I have a friend who had high blood pressure and by drinking garlic water daily, not only did her BP go back to normal but she ended up not needing her medication anymore. I do love to cook with garlic too, and taking the supp seems to keep my immunity high so that when everyone's getting the flu or hay fever during high pollen season, I'm doing fine.

I take one tablet a day of Garlinase 4000 which according to one website contains 4000 mg of fresh garlic:

Garlinase 4000¨ is the only true one-per-day garlic supplement because it's the only one that equals the German Kommission E daily recommendation of 4,000 mg of fresh garlic with just one tablet. The Kommission E is recognized throughout the world as the model for regulating herbal products. The patented Swiss process used to formulate Garlinase 4000¨ delivers a minimum of 5,000 mcg of beneficial allicin per tablet (the highest potency worldwide). This unique Swiss process also ensures completely odor-free breath. Each box of Garlinase 4000¨ contains a Certificate of Analysis from an independent laboratory documenting the amounts of key compounds found in that batch of tablets.

ETA: I read somewhere that garlic is a mosquito repellent and I can tell you that I rarely suffer from mosquito bites even when everyone else around me is complaining of them. I also think it has something to do with controlling cholesterol. But you don't have to take the supps. Just make it an important part of your diet and you'll be OK.
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Eat organic food and lots of fruit and vegetables and you won't have to take any man-made vitamins from a lab... :)
yes, i'm tired of mine :perplexed, dont know if they are helping with my hair growth, health wise, i hope so. wish i could take them in liquid form, i hate the hair ones cause they are just too big :nono:
I get tired of it so I tend to do 1 month on and 1-2 months off. Right now I'm off my sea kelp and brewers' yeast. Only thing I try and take regularly is my multivit.
I know I do.. when I go to bf's house, I always bring my pill stash.. one time his sister walked in on me taking my pills and I had to explain to her that they are vitamins.. she looked at me like I was a drug addict!

I know I do.. when I go to bf's house, I always bring my pill stash.. one time his sister walked in on me taking my pills and I had to explain to her that they are vitamins.. she looked at me like I was a drug addict!

Eat organic food and lots of fruit and vegetables and you won't have to take any man-made vitamins from a lab... :)

I agree, I also think the vitamins thing is overated particularly in the US. we dont even recommend prenatal vitamins here in Ireland. Healthy eating is the best form of vitamin. A lot of the vitamins are better absrbed when in food anyway.
Dont take vitamins and I am healthy.
I get tired sometimes but I take them because I know they work,and I need those vits when working out because I need energy.
I know I do.. when I go to bf's house, I always bring my pill stash.. one time his sister walked in on me taking my pills and I had to explain to her that they are vitamins.. she looked at me like I was a drug addict!

LOL! My hubby asked if something was wrong with me when I used to take them. He said "We can take you to a doctor, you dont have to take vitamins when you dont feel well." When I would be mad he would think I was having mood swings from those vitamins. LOL!!!! He even accused me of being anemic, so I gave it up LOL
no one told me spirulina and chlorella were the size of ufos. And i'm supposed to take 6 of those muthas without choking. HMmm i see these bottles lasting a verrryyy loooonnggg time.
I always forget to take my vitamins, but it only takes like two minutes to do. I'm not necesarily tired of taking them, but just too forgetful.
No because I don't take a bunch of them and because some days, I use Superfood instead of a multi. If a multi is worth taking, there shouldn't be a need for 12 other supplements to go with it.
Yeah I get tired that's why I cycle my pills; MSM & Biotin on 6 month cycles. The only thing that's constant is my body just doesn't act right without it.
i take my multivitamin and garlic pill with my real medication in the morning... i dont really get tired of it.. I have to take the other med in the morning so i just take them all at once...
They gave me kidney stones and a toxic build-up of B-12 which causes all sorts of freaky nerve symptoms (twitching, etc...). I had to cut them loose. I do know some people that have managed to take them successfully for years though but my body had trouble "eliminating" the part it didn't need.
I've only been taking vitamins for a week and I'm tired of it. Especially taking The Vitamin B vitamin. It's just plain old nasty, with a weird taste. I feel like gagging when I take it.
yes, i'm tired of mine :perplexed, dont know if they are helping with my hair growth, health wise, i hope so. wish i could take them in liquid form, i hate the hair ones cause they are just too big :nono:

Yes, they taste horrible too. I just switch some of my vitamin stash to softgels to counteract that horrible taste. I have to close my eyes or drink some juice(8 oz) to get it out of my throat and thoughts(Yuckky!)
I use to be on point with all of these vitamins daily but i started slacking after I got my wisdom teeth pulled out now I just take them whenever I feel like it.