Anyone thinking of Big Chopping by end of 2010?


Well-Known Member
I am only three months post and I think I have only about an inch of new growth I am torn between continuing the transition or doing the BC.:spinning: Last year, I got to month 10 and gave into the relaxer, I do not want to repeat that. The BC could better keep me on one track, and I sort of do look forward to the adventure of growing out natural hair from scratch. (remind me to get a life, lol). Anyways, I was just wondering if anyone else is thinking about doing an end of year BC as well.
I'm with ya. :lol: I'm about 7.5 months in and am contemplating doing the bc on 12/31. I'm trying to make it to May 2011, but I don't know. The only thing that scares me is how short it might be and how I'll look. :ohwell:
Wow, you all blow me wayyyyy behind. You have been transitioning for quite some time. That would be a well deserved big chop. But I agree with the poster above in saying that I too am afraid of how I'll look with an inch of hair. I really don't want that to discourage me but it concerns me quite a bit.
I'm almost 17 months post and I've been seriously thinking about chopping before the end of the year even though I was trying to make it 'til May. Lately I've been thinking about chopping because my ends are so stringy but I'm still on the fence because my hair is a lot shorter in the front for some reason. I need to at least be able to put my hair in a ponytail comfortably.
Yeah, I'll be 5 months post by then and I'm tired of the 2 textures. I'm definitely doing it. I just need to figure out how to take care of my TWA in the winter.
Good for you all...Im so proud you all lasted that long in the transition.

@ DD: I was thinking the same thing with this winter...I may be heading to Chicago this winter and that last thing I want is a TWA in the brick cold Windy City, LOL.
I want to be able to put my hair in a ponytail and not have to struggle. I'm 11 months post and not thinking about BC'ing yet
i honestly thought about it maybe christmas eve new years day etc. i want the day to be somewhat memorable. i have relaxed hair left but its nothing to brag about :lachen: i definately had some sort a breakage. but all in all my hair is in good condition and i can survive until may. so right now i may do it at the end of the year or 2011 we shall see. i also want to be able to put my hair in a bun. im aiming for more length and i want my ng to be longer b4 i cut.
I have been thinking about it. My goal is to go until Jan 3 which will be 18 months, but I may just do it new years eve to have fresh start for the new year. It's not like 3 days will make a difference.
I've been thinking about it as well. I'll be a full year post if so. The only thing that's stopping me is that I live in Chicago. =_=V The winters here are way to brutal for me. If not, Imma try to keep going until the end of March. In time for spring...
I am still contemplating I might do it because these two textures are no joke! I'll be 5 months post in december. I just need more guts