Anyone that DOESN'T moisturize every single day??


New Member
I don't, only because I am extremely busy and as a natural, I hate taking my hair down out of my bun (see avatar), cause it's hard to get it back the way I like it. I work sooo many hours every day and am extremely pressed for time so I only moisturize like 3 days out of the week. I am wondering if I am asking for trouble??? :/

I try to "load up" on moisture on those days when I do moisturize, to "make up" for the days I don't :/
If you need to "Makeup" for the moisture, try to DC more often and seal it in with oil...

I don't moisturize every day either....Hair still grows too...
Your hair looks nice and shiny and mosturized in your photos. Your bun phots in your avatar is one of may favs on the board and I always use your twist photos as a guide (esp the one with you in the green shirt in the car)

If it's growing in nicely, not splitting, brittle or breaking and your scalp is not dry what you are doing may be just fine.

Are you drinking extra water? Maybe you internal water intake and low manipulation technique is making the difference...
I would say that you're ok as long as the hair that in the bun is moisturized while it's in there. If you take it out and it's bone dry, then I'd be concerned.
I would love to not have to moisturize everyday. I don't have to moisturize all of my hair but I got to get something on my ends daily. Even when I wear twists, every other day I put a little conditioner on the ends to keep them from splitting.

But As long if your hair is not suffering then keep your routine up.
sunnyjohn said:
Your hair looks nice and shiny and mosturized in your photos. Your bun phots in your avatar is one of may favs on the board and I always use your twist photos as a guide (esp the one with you in the green shirt in the car)

If it's growing in nicely, not splitting, brittle or breaking and your scalp is not dry what you are doing may be just fine.

Are you drinking extra water? Maybe you internal water intake and low manipulation technique is making the difference...

Awwww, thanks (I'm blushing over here) :p

I do try to drink alot of water. Have been bad about it the last week, but I try to drink half my body weight in oz each day.
I don't moisturize daily either... don't really see the need to either because my hair stays pretty moisturized throughout the week.

btw zzirvingj, YOUR HAIR IS BEAUTIFUL!!! :love:
Good topic. I have always wanted to ask this because I don't moisturize daily. As a matter of fact when I did based on what other people were doing, it was not good for my hair. My hair does better when I use less product.

But, I cannot go more than 3 (4 max) days w/o shampooing and doing several conditions. My hair starts getting drier on the 4th day. If I do it at 3 days, it never gets dry.

I do use a little shea oil everyday though.
*ElleB said:
If you need to "Makeup" for the moisture, try to DC more often and seal it in with oil...

I don't moisturize every day either....Hair still grows too...

elleb, that's what i do. I just deep condition more often. water and deep conditions are my moisture.
I don't moisturize everyday anymore. I was for a while but I've found that it's not neccessary for me when I have my hair up. If I've got my hair in a braided bun or regular bun I only moisturize every three days, which is basically when I wash it.

If I wear my hair down I moisturize more often, every other day usually.

Sealing my leave in with a heavy butter after my leave in keeps my hair so soft and silky that I don't need to keep addind moisturizer