Anyone taking vitamins or supplements for your hair?

Anyone taking vitams or supplements for your hair?

  • Yes, religiously!

    Votes: 232 60.1%
  • Yes, when I remember

    Votes: 134 34.7%
  • No, they don't seem to work

    Votes: 6 1.6%
  • No, they cost too much

    Votes: 5 1.3%
  • No, I don't need to

    Votes: 9 2.3%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
I stopped when I was getting ready for tests my senior year. I need to get back on them though. I'll be taking those GNC Nourish Hair, Vitaminworld Hair Vitamins, Biotin and MSM. I want to try that flaxseed & gueye though.

I'm tellin' you -- I have never seen ANY vits work like Gueye. I believe that it's mainly Alfalfa, Bee Pollen & Sea Kelp, but contains the B vitamins and other vits for the hair, skin & nails.

I took them for a year & started noticing results after the first month. I stopped for awhile & my hair went back to it's usual, "Breakage/Splitting, etc." I started back and my hair started getting stronger again.
I take my vitamins religiously and even keep them neatly organized in one of those pill cases.

I take:

- a multivitamin with Iron
- Biotin 5000mcg
- Calcium 600mg
- Vitamin C 500mg

The biotin, which I added on September 9th, have caused tremendous growth... literally a half inch in 3 weeks. I know exactly how much it grows because I can measure my roots (I *used to* dye my hair often). Previously, I would get about a half inch in 3 months time.

I considered adding MSM, but I can't swallow pills and I haven't found a chewable or sublingual supplement. I also don't think I need MSM... the biotin seems to be working just fine. :yawn:

How do you take the Biotin? Morning & Evening or all at once?

Gorgeous hair!
Yes I take mine every day for my health and my hair, but my nails are benefitting tremendously!!!!

I take Folic Acid 400mg just started today
spirulina 750mg 15.00 The best of the best by far!!!!
L-cysteine 500mg
msm 1000mg
Sometimes Futurbiotics hair, skin and nails
Also, just started about 4 days ago the wheat germ cocktail. It's tolerable, but takes some getting use to.
The great benefit of the wheat germ cocktail is that it is a great substitute for breakfast. And it holds me for hours

Now only if my hair would grow as fast as my nails, I would be screaming!!:lachen:

Where do you get the wheat germ cocktail from?
:yep:. Every day I drink a protein shake that also has vitamins and minerals in it, take one teaspoon of spirulina, and drink 2 cups of green tea (and sometimes one cup of rooibos tea at night). Whenever I do not take my protein shake I take half a prenatal vitamin at night (it has a lot of biotin in it and other vitamins in it). I also drink 100 fl. oz. of water per day.
I want to buy the GNC Ultra For Women but right now my budget won't allow it. My granddaughter's mom uses these vitamins and she went from Halle Berry cut to chin length bob in about 4 months. I asked her what was she doing to get such great growth and she told me that she was taking these vitamins.

Thanks! Tremendous growth in such a short time (June - Sept). Wow!
:yep:. Every day I drink a protein shake that also has vitamins and minerals in it, take one teaspoon of spirulina, and drink 2 cups of green tea (and sometimes one cup of rooibos tea at night). Whenever I do not take my protein shake I take half a prenatal vitamin at night (it has a lot of biotin in it and other vitamins in it). I also drink 100 fl. oz. of water per day.

You Go Girl - Look at that hair!!!

I keep hearing about spirulina. What is that/where do you get it from? Do you drink the 2 cups of green tea in the morning? What about the protein shake (morning, afternoon or night). Sorry for all the questions, but you hair looks so nice, so you must be doin' somethin' right!:yep: And 100 oz of water per day?! That's great!! (If I could get myself to drink 1/2 that):lachen:
You Go Girl - Look at that hair!!!

I keep hearing about spirulina. What is that/where do you get it from? Do you drink the 2 cups of green tea in the morning? What about the protein shake (morning, afternoon or night). Sorry for all the questions, but you hair looks so nice, so you must be doin' somethin' right!:yep: And 100 oz of water per day?! That's great!! (If I could get myself to drink 1/2 that):lachen:

Thank you :). Spirulina is blue/green algae and it is loaded with vitamins and minerals (about as much as 3-4 servings of veggies) I buy mine at whole foods (you could probably find it at your local health food store). I take the powder, but it also comes in capsul form (but you have to take six capsules versus just a teaspoon of the powder). My protein shakes I drink in the morning. I use unflavored soy protein powder that is enriched with vitamins that I also get from whole foods. I blend one scoop of the powder with 1 whole banana, 5 strawberries, and 1/2-1 cup of 1% milk. I drink a cup of green tea in the morning and in the afternoon. I don't drink green tea at night because of the caffeine (keeps me awake :nono:). That's why I drink rooibos tea at night (also known as red tea). It has antioxidants like green tea but without the caffeine. And drinking 100 oz. of water per day isn't as hard as you think. A trick that I use is that I always carry my 50 oz. water bottle with me and I may sure that I drink two of those per day. And water you use for making tea counts so I usually just use the water in my water bottle to make my tea. Since I started doing this I've noticed that I have a lot of NG. I hope I helped :).
I was off the vitamin bandwagon for about 4 months, but I'm back on now.
I was taking Flaxseed Oil, MSM, Silica, Vitamin B Complex and Vitamin A, C and D... but that was EXPENSIVE!

I'm now trying just the MSM with Biotin and a Hair, Skin and Nails Vitamin.
Sure do.

Morning - 1 Nioxin; Biotin 5000 mg capsule; 1 Super B-Complex
Evening - 2 Rexall, Hair, Skin, & Nails, L-Cysteine 500 mg. Vitamin C 1000mg.

Hair Cocktail: A drink that consists of: Eggs, Wheat germ oil, Flax seed oil, Raw Wheat germ, soy milk

I take other supplements for other things, but this is what I take for my hair.

How's that vitamin combination doing for your hair.
How's that vitamin combination doing for your hair.

I have used that same regimin since joining LCHF and it really works good. If I take out even one of those supplements, it does not work the same. Well actually all of it with the exception of the l-cysteine and hair cocktail. I have only been using the l-cysteine for almost 2 months. I started the hair cocktail a month ago. When I added the last two products (l-cysteine, and hair cocktail, that made it even better). My growth has never been better.
That Rooibos tea looks absolutely delightful. I did some research on it and I want to buy some. Where do you buy yours. I found one site but not am confused becuase they have flavored ones. Is flavored ok? I mostly prefer to eat things as close to its natural state as possible.

Thank you :). Spirulina is blue/green algae and it is loaded with vitamins and minerals (about as much as 3-4 servings of veggies) I buy mine at whole foods (you could probably find it at your local health food store). I take the powder, but it also comes in capsul form (but you have to take six capsules versus just a teaspoon of the powder). My protein shakes I drink in the morning. I use unflavored soy protein powder that is enriched with vitamins that I also get from whole foods. I blend one scoop of the powder with 1 whole banana, 5 strawberries, and 1/2-1 cup of 1% milk. I drink a cup of green tea in the morning and in the afternoon. I don't drink green tea at night because of the caffeine (keeps me awake :nono:). That's why I drink rooibos tea at night (also known as red tea). It has antioxidants like green tea but without the caffeine. And drinking 100 oz. of water per day isn't as hard as you think. A trick that I use is that I always carry my 50 oz. water bottle with me and I may sure that I drink two of those per day. And water you use for making tea counts so I usually just use the water in my water bottle to make my tea. Since I started doing this I've noticed that I have a lot of NG. I hope I helped :).
Thanks for posting that review. I have always wondered how good those vitamins were. I have been looking at them for awhile and was waiting to hear that they actually worked for somebody. I might use those instead of the Rexall. I will get some.

I'm tellin' you -- I have never seen ANY vits work like Gueye. I believe that it's mainly Alfalfa, Bee Pollen & Sea Kelp, but contains the B vitamins and other vits for the hair, skin & nails.

I took them for a year & started noticing results after the first month. I stopped for awhile & my hair went back to it's usual, "Breakage/Splitting, etc." I started back and my hair started getting stronger again.
That Rooibos tea looks absolutely delightful. I did some research on it and I want to buy some. Where do you buy yours. I found one site but not am confused becuase they have flavored ones. Is flavored ok? I mostly prefer to eat things as close to its natural state as possible.

I buy my rooibos tea from Whole Foods. I also went to teavanna and was put off by all the different flavors (and expensive prices). They sell a variety of different kinds of Rooibos tea at Whole Foods, but I prefer pure rooibos (the blends they had didn't seem appealing, they were mixed with things like mint leaves and the like :nono:). The brand I use is called Numi Rooibos tea. It's 100% organic and I like it a lot :yep:.
I was off the vitamin bandwagon for about 4 months, but I'm back on now.
I was taking Flaxseed Oil, MSM, Silica, Vitamin B Complex and Vitamin A, C and D... but that was EXPENSIVE!

I'm now trying just the MSM with Biotin and a Hair, Skin and Nails Vitamin.

Look at that growth - way to go girl!! Everyone's hair looks so nice...Oh, someday:sad:
yes in my arsenal I have:

silica- damn the nails I get with these
biotin- no breakouts
msm- thicker hair definitely
multi-for general health
vitamin E- my skin
cod liver oil- but I want to cut this out by eating more fish
zinc- good for skin repair

my hair was completely ruined by dominican stylists and taking supplements has def helped my hair thicken back up and also makes my hair grow faster. I think I told the tail of my little chin hair.........
Thanks for posting that review. I have always wondered how good those vitamins were. I have been looking at them for awhile and was waiting to hear that they actually worked for somebody. I might use those instead of the Rexall. I will get some.

You're quite welcome! If they didn't work - I wouldn't waste my time and "little" money:lachen:
During the summer i took Gnc Ultra Nourish hair, but now im taking gnc's hair skin and nails....i think i got better growth with ultranourish hair, so i'll go back to it when i finish this bottle
I used to take quite a few supplements for hair -- MSM, biotin, Therapro Hairgain. I stopped earlier this year when I started seriously dieting and remembered a member posting that vitamins caused them to gain weight.

Right now I take ground flaxseed, fish oil and CLA for overall health. They don't help as much with hair growth and thickness as the supplements I used to take but they help some.
I swear by 5000mcg of Biotin a day. I started it years ago and it has made my hair and nails stronger. On the bad side, if I lapse, I get breakage on both fairly quickly. So I take them religiously.
I swear by 5000mcg of Biotin a day. I started it years ago and it has made my hair and nails stronger. On the bad side, if I lapse, I get breakage on both fairly quickly. So I take them religiously.

Lookin' great.

How do you maintain the shine?
I bought the tea today. I am going to try tonight!
Thanks again!

:yep:. Every day I drink a protein shake that also has vitamins and minerals in it, take one teaspoon of spirulina, and drink 2 cups of green tea (and sometimes one cup of rooibos tea at night). Whenever I do not take my protein shake I take half a prenatal vitamin at night (it has a lot of biotin in it and other vitamins in it). I also drink 100 fl. oz. of water per day.
Just started seriously taking them last week
Vit E
Multi Vit
Nioxin Hair/Nails
Super B complex

Its alot i have to use on of those M-F pill boxes to keep it straight
I fell off for awhile, but now I'm doing much better.

I take

Will soon add:
Whey protein shakes daily
Multi (Shaklee :))
MSM (powder form)
Bio avail. Silica (from Alta health)

If I could only take 3 things it'd be a multi, biotin, and silica. :yep:
okay so my biochem teacher was telling us in class today that taking these vitamins, especially the B's are pretty much useless. She said that the ph of our stomach is so acidic that it actually tears the proteins apart before it can be absorbed by your small/large intestines. She said the best types of vitamins to take are enteric capsules which are more resistant to breakdown in the stomach and are therefore absorbed better. Or she said if you put it under your tongue, the layer is thin enough that the vitamin can be absorbed into the bloodstream bypassing the stomach. Kind of made me feel like I was seriously wasting my time and money popping all these pills:wallbash::wallbash::wallbash:

With all that said though, I try to keep mine simple. A daily women's vitamin and 5000mcg of biotin which i take 2x daily.
I fell off for awhile, but now I'm doing much better.

I take

Will soon add:
Whey protein shakes daily
Multi (Shaklee :))
MSM (powder form)
Bio avail. Silica (from Alta health)

If I could only take 3 things it'd be a multi, biotin, and silica. :yep:

Thanks for the info.

Look at that growth! You must be so proud:yep:
okay so my biochem teacher was telling us in class today that taking these vitamins, especially the B's are pretty much useless. She said that the ph of our stomach is so acidic that it actually tears the proteins apart before it can be absorbed by your small/large intestines. She said the best types of vitamins to take are enteric capsules which are more resistant to breakdown in the stomach and are therefore absorbed better. Or she said if you put it under your tongue, the layer is thin enough that the vitamin can be absorbed into the bloodstream bypassing the stomach. Kind of made me feel like I was seriously wasting my time and money popping all these pills:wallbash::wallbash::wallbash:

With all that said though, I try to keep mine simple. A daily women's vitamin and 5000mcg of biotin which i take 2x daily.

Regardless of what she said - girl you have been doin' somethin' right!
I take the following:

Centrum (I am about to switch up to another)
Vitamin B-6 & 12
Odorless Garlic
Flaxseed oil (liquid)

Of all vitamins the flaxseed oil has made the most different, but I was taking the prenatal ones; which were the overall best. I didn't notice how good they were until I stopped taking them. I am about to order more. I just did not like the increased boobs. I stopped the biotin after 3 months because of the pimples.