Anyone Relaxed and at least APL with hair thinner in front?


New Member
I have had some tremendous growth since joining this forum. I am currently grazing BSL. I'm very happy BUT I have noticed that my front edges are thin. In fact, the front in general is thin when compared to the back. I notice that the edges seem to break off sometime after my new growth comes in. It breaks at the line of demarcation. My nape is fine, no problems there. I stretch for 6 months at a time. I don't relax bone straight, but I wouldn't call it texlaxed either.

Keep in mind, I really don't think this is a growth problem because I can see my new growth coming in just fine. This is a breakage issue. I do use a satin scarf to tie down after moisturizing at night. I use heat only 1x per week after I wash. I use heat protectant. I do not comb my hair daily, only after washing. I am probably a 4a type texture.

I'm contemplating not relaxing my edges to see if I can handle it. My question there anyone out there who is APL or more who doesn't relax their edges and has seen an increase in thickness in front.

Please Help me!!!!! :spinning:
When I first started my hair journey I was almost APL and the front was see thru. I was so discouraged and I didn't think that I could nurse it back to health so I big chopped in 2008. Now my hair is the healthiest its been in a long time and the front is still thinner than the rest. It's not see thru though. By going natural I realized that the sides and the nape area are completely different texture than the rest of my hair. I started relaxing these area last.
When I first started my hair journey I was almost APL and the front was see thru. I was so discouraged and I didn't think that I could nurse it back to health so I big chopped in 2008. Now my hair is the healthiest its been in a long time and the front is still thinner than the rest. It's not see thru though. By going natural I realized that the sides and the nape area are completely different texture than the rest of my hair. I started relaxing these area last.

I have also noticed that the texture is different in front (even being relaxed). I can tell because it's so much easier to straighten the front. So I guess I will try texlaxing the front or just barely relaxing it to see what happens.

Anyone else want to contribute? Anyone not relaxing the front at all?
I'm really not sure that I fit the bill but I am grazing APL and have extremely fine 4a hair. My edges have never been a "problem" but I noticed that they were thinning a bit a few months back. What I did to completely change that was to have my stylist put the relaxer on my edges last. After smoothing through the majority of my hair, she THEN relaxes my edges. She doesn't leave the relaxer on for more than 3 mins so I guess my edges are basically texlaxed. Futhermore, I make sure that I don't wear my hair pulled too tightly back in buns or ponytails and when I wear a satin bonnet, I turn it inside out so that the rubber part is not on my hairline, just the satin is. When I wear a scarf, I make sure that the edge is not on my hairline and isn't tied too tight.
This is me, too.

I'm pretty sure it's hereditary, though. My mother has the same issue, and so did my abuela. My side and hairline are thinner (and the hairline is actually receding a bit). I know that it's not unusual for women, as the get older, to have some thinning. (I'm 40.)

The only thing that worries me is that I wrap my hair at night, and I'm wondering if maybe the scarf (100% silk) is contributing to the thinness in front. I started using Rogain, but this makes my scalp itchy and flakey.
This is me, too.

I'm pretty sure it's hereditary, though. My mother has the same issue, and so did my abuela. My side and hairline are thinner (and the hairline is actually receding a bit). I know that it's not unusual for women, as the get older, to have some thinning. (I'm 40.)

The only thing that worries me is that I wrap my hair at night, and I'm wondering if maybe the scarf (100% silk) is contributing to the thinness in front. I started using Rogain, but this makes my scalp itchy and flakey.

I'm 40 too. Today is actually my bday so I guess I need to understand that some of this may just be due to my age. I think I will do as suggessted and just relax the front only for a few minutes.

Thanks for the responses and if anyone else out there has some info...please share.
I'm 40 too. Today is actually my bday so I guess I need to understand that some of this may just be due to my age. I think I will do as suggessted and just relax the front only for a few minutes.

Thanks for the responses and if anyone else out there has some info...please share.

Happy Birthday, Pgirl!
my hair is (apparently) naturally thinner, in density not strands, in the front and sides, like from my hair line to about 2 - 3 inches down my head.
Ive noticed also since Im now natural
Happy Bday PGirl,

I also wanted to add that I used to religiously wrap my hair at night too. I think this may have affected the sides as well. I no longer do that!
I try stretching for 6 months at a time, as we speak I am a little past 6 months by a few days and plan on relaxing my hair next week, so far I havent experienced any issues with breakage aside from the normal shedding.

I am not sure if anyone else has mentioned this but, how often do you deep condition or do a deep treatment?
And protein treatments?
Also, how do you straighten your hair?
If you are using heat that often (once a week) I think you need to cut back a whole lot. Because that would mean you are apply heat to your hair at least four times )or more) a month? I think that's a lot, esp. since you stretch your relaxers for 6 months, the bond holding the relaxed hair and natural hair is week and I could imagine what that heat might be doing to it.

Of course, this is all my opinion but I do hope you find a solution to this.
I try stretching for 6 months at a time, as we speak I am a little past 6 months by a few days and plan on relaxing my hair next week, so far I havent experienced any issues with breakage aside from the normal shedding.

I am not sure if anyone else has mentioned this but, how often do you deep condition or do a deep treatment?
And protein treatments?
Also, how do you straighten your hair?
If you are using heat that often (once a week) I think you need to cut back a whole lot. Because that would mean you are apply heat to your hair at least four times )or more) a month? I think that's a lot, esp. since you stretch your relaxers for 6 months, the bond holding the relaxed hair and natural hair is week and I could imagine what that heat might be doing to it.

Of course, this is all my opinion but I do hope you find a solution to this.

Yes it may be too much heat but what is strange is that I use heat in the back as well and yet the back and nape is fine. I guess the front of my hair is more fragile and so I need to watch the heat and relaxer in those areas especially.

Also, I do not deep condition enough. I got lazy over the past 6 months. I need to step up my game!
I've always had the same issue. I don't use heat there at all now and I only relax the front and edges every other relaxer. I think it's getting a little better. I did not notice improvement though until I started my journey with LHCF. I've also stopped the tight ponytails and cotton scarves. That's helped a bunch. It's just a whole different texture and ballgame in that area!
My hair is naturally thinner(low density) in the front. It's been like that since I was a toddler. Sometimes I forget and start freaking out, reaching for growth aids. Then I look at old pics. Oh well, something I have to live with!