Anyone out there make henna solutions (not the paste) for strength/healthy hair??

I've looked in multitudes of henna threads and haven't found anything about making a solution of henna+ water+ other healthy herbs. Has anyone done this and found they can use it daily/weekly for strength??

I'm a) not hardcore enough to make the paste and b) I'm in braid extensions and the idea of getting henna paste stuck in a matted goop TERRIFIES me. :lol::drunk:

Again I don't want to dye my hair. I just want to see if I can use it as maybe a weekly rinse/dc/daily strengthener. If you use any other rinses I could use that would be great too! Thanks! :yawn:
People do henna GLOSSES that are just for conditioning purposes. They add a large amount of conditioner plus other herbs and deep condition for about an hour. I don't think this is enough time to allow for transfer of color--especially on dark hair.

I've seen quite a few recipes just goggle Henna Glosses. Here is one!

[FONT=Arial,Helvetica][SIZE=+2]Fia's Henna gloss[/SIZE][SIZE=+3] [/SIZE][SIZE=+2]- for minimal color change and deep conditioning[/SIZE][/FONT]
[FONT=Arial,Helvetica]- 2-3 tablespoons henna powder[/FONT]
[FONT=Arial,Helvetica]- Enough lemon/lime juice to mix a smooth paste[/FONT]
[FONT=Arial,Helvetica]- Your favorite conditioner or plain, unsweetened yoghurt[/FONT]
[FONT=Arial,Helvetica]Mix the henna powder with lemon/lime juice to a smooth paste and let this stand until you see dye release. Mix the henna paste with either your favorite conditioner or plain yoghurt. Apply to dry or damp hair and leave on for as long as you wish. Rinse as you'd rinse out a regular conditioner.[/FONT]
[FONT=Arial,Helvetica]This one is easy to apply and rinse, as it's basically conditioner or yoghurt with just a hint of henna dye in it. It's good as either a color refresher in between regular henna applications or if you only wish to have a very subtle color change. It will give reddish hints on blonde and light brown hair. You may see some reddish highlights on medium brown, but probably not too much. On dark brown/black hair you'll only get the conditioning benefits from the conditioner/henna.[/FONT]
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You can also look into cassia as that has the strengthening properties of henna without the color.
People do henna GLOSSES that are just for conditioning purposes. They add a large amount of conditioner plus other herbs and deep condition for about an hour. I don't think this is enough time to allow for transfer of color--especially on dark hair.

I've seen quite a few recipes just goggle Henna Glosses. Here is one!

[FONT=Arial,Helvetica][SIZE=+2]Fia's Henna gloss[/SIZE][SIZE=+2]- for minimal color change and deep conditioning[/SIZE][/FONT]
[FONT=Arial,Helvetica]- 2-3 tablespoons henna powder[/FONT]
[FONT=Arial,Helvetica]- Enough lemon/lime juice to mix a smooth paste[/FONT]
[FONT=Arial,Helvetica]- Your favorite conditioner or plain, unsweetened yoghurt[/FONT]
[FONT=Arial,Helvetica]Mix the henna powder with lemon/lime juice to a smooth paste and let this stand until you see dye release. Mix the henna paste with either your favorite conditioner or plain yoghurt. Apply to dry or damp hair and leave on for as long as you wish. Rinse as you'd rinse out a regular conditioner.[/FONT]
[FONT=Arial,Helvetica]This one is easy to apply and rinse, as it's basically conditioner or yoghurt with just a hint of henna dye in it. It's good as either a color refresher in between regular henna applications or if you only wish to have a very subtle color change. It will give reddish hints on blonde and light brown hair. You may see some reddish highlights on medium brown, but probably not too much. On dark brown/black hair you'll only get the conditioning benefits from the conditioner/henna.[/FONT]

This is great! My hair is closest to 4B so the color isn't going to show. Hmm, I might try this, this weekend. But I wonder if it's watery/runny enough to use with braid extensions. I'm adding this to my 'recipe' book for sure!! :yawn:
I've been doing this for the past 3 months weekly using the henna mix from ayurnaturalbeauty (she recently closed got a new vendor but will take a few weeks for him to get it)
I mix with warm water, alma oil, coconut oil. Put it on my hair especially scalp then put AOGPB on top. Under heating cap for a bit or clean etc. (2 hours)
MY HAIR LOVES IT!! Strong, clean, fluffy hair. I DC after w/ darcy pumpkin or AOWC
I'm so pissed that when I find a great product the vendor goes out of business. Glad I found another vendor though.
This will replace my shampoo eventually. It makes my hair & scalp feel clean.
Free hand. I estimate 3-4 oz of henna mix I also put a tablespoon of bringraj powder, neem & brahmi powder in there to forgot to add that above as well as I do this all while my hair is in 2 strand twist. (I keep them in for 3 weeks at a time)
I make enough to cover my scalp & hair with the above mix. I use the (2) small styrofoam bowls. pic below


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Free hand. I estimate 3-4 oz of henna mix I also put a tablespoon of bringraj powder, neem & brahmi powder in there to forgot to add that above as well as I do this all while my hair is in 2 strand twist. (I keep them in for 3 weeks at a time)
I make enough to cover my scalp & hair with the above mix. I use the (2) small styrofoam bowls. pic below

Wow.......your hair grew so fast!:spinning:
^^ I use cassia too usually on the length pf my hair. After experimenting I must say that henna mix trumps cassia. I ran out of that particular henna mix and tried to reorder and realized she closed. So now I'm using cassia on the length with the other powders I mentioned on my scalp. I have noticed a difference. It's not bad but I just like the way the henna made my hair feel.
I wouldn't add lemon juice if you don't want color deposit, even if it's just the tiny amount. Just warm water is good enough.
This is great! My hair is closest to 4B so the color isn't going to show. Hmm, I might try this, this weekend. But I wonder if it's watery/runny enough to use with braid extensions. I'm adding this to my 'recipe' book for sure!! :yawn:

I wouldn't use it with braids in your hair. Even with a minimum amount of BAQ henna, it still can be a ish to rinse out and you might end up with dusty looking hair. Henna only comes out of my loose hair when I vigorously (but gently) cowash it out of my hair with about 1/3 of a bottle of conditioner - I can't imagine doing it on braided hair....
I wouldn't use it with braids in your hair. Even with a minimum amount of BAQ henna, it still can be a ish to rinse out and you might end up with dusty looking hair. Henna only comes out of my loose hair when I vigorously (but gently) cowash it out of my hair with about 1/3 of a bottle of conditioner - I can't imagine doing it on braided hair....

greenandchic What do you think of the rinse henna+ water+ oil through an applicator bottle versus the henna paste+ condish? I have noooo plans for a hair nightmare. :nono:
greenandchic What do you think of the rinse henna+ water+ oil through an applicator bottle versus the henna paste+ condish? I have noooo plans for a hair nightmare. :nono:

I'm afraid it still will be powdery and hard to fully rinse out. Henna doesn't dissolve. I would also be afraid of the fact that you can't really DC. Henna with no DC (for me) = dry hair. Stronger, but dry. Its like doing a protein treatment without a DC to add the moisture/condition back in.
I'm afraid it still will be powdery and hard to fully rinse out. Henna doesn't dissolve. I would also be afraid of the fact that you can't really DC. Henna with no DC (for me) = dry hair. Stronger, but dry. Its like doing a protein treatment without a DC to add the moisture/condition back in.

totally agree with greenandchic :yep:
you are still going to have henna grit in your hair, just less than if you did the paste. henna in braids.

As far as doing it with minimal color deposit, just mix it up and use the paste right away. Waiting too long and the dye releases. You dont have to make it uber thick either. And yes, it can be used once per week. I do it on my kinky 4b 'fro eevery week when its out of PS.

I just mix it with distilled water. I'd be wary of 'gloss' recipes that recommend using it with protein heavy products and conditioners. These might make your hair hard. Simpler is better IMHO

THe only time I had hardness was when I tried one of those methods. Just the water leaves my hair nice and manageable. I follow with a DC (either protein or moisture).
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I primarily wear my hair in mini braids and now small twists. For the past couple of months, I've been making a tea of the herbs and using it as the "conditioner" in my daily spray mix. You may want to try it that way as well.

My tea is usually Brahmi (conditioning), Amla (conditioning/cleansing), Bhringaraj (moisture/growth) and hibiscus (VERY moisturizing). I pour the powders (about a tbsp of each) in an old spaghetti sauce jar. Then I boil a pot of water. I pour the water into the jar and let it sit for a few hours to brew, shaking it up every now and then. It all settles in the bottom. I refrigerate it until it's time to use it.

I strain it as I pour it into my spray bottle. My spray mix is about 60% tea, 30% water, a few squirts of EVOO or Grapeseed oil and some EO's for scent. I only have to do this once every 2-3 weeks or so. And the leftover tea is refrigerated.

Since I've been using it, I've noticed that my shed hairs are shinier (my hair is not usually shiny) and have less splits. I've even been slacking on my DCing and I'm still amazed and how shiny my shed hairs are.

Side Bar: Don't judge me cause I examine my shed hairs. I blame the hair boards!! LoL

GL w/whatever you decide!! Incorporating the powders has been so beneficial for my hair and I hope your hair will benefit as well! :)
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WhippedButterCreme, I'd search the forum for the term "ayurvedic" many ladies use henna to make a spritz or to rinse. Also, youtube is a good resource. I've put henna in a coffee filter that I've tied at the top and let it seep for several hours, I had no problem with the henna getting out of the bag and I see no reason why you can't use it that way (as a spritz) while in braids. The only worry I'd have is that henna can make your hair stiff, so if you can't use a moisturizing DC to balance it out, that might be an issue.
@WhippedButterCreme, I'd search the forum for the term "ayurvedic" many ladies use henna to make a spritz or to rinse. Also, youtube is a good resource. I've put henna in a coffee filter that I've tied at the top and let it seep for several hours, I had no problem with the henna getting out of the bag and I see no reason why you can't use it that way (as a spritz) while in braids. The only worry I'd have is that henna can make your hair stiff, so if you can't use a moisturizing DC to balance it out, that might be an issue.

Sounds good. :yep: I've heard of ladies using henna in sprays, and my favorite braid spray/moisturizer has henna in the product...