Anyone Order from


Has anyone ordered from this company? Their prices are reasonable and I ordered products from them, but they didn't say how long it will take and I don't see a phone number listed. Please share your experience with this company if any.

Thanks in advance.

The jury is still out with them...I ordered from them on the Sept 7th, and I haven't received my order. I wrote them last thursday and haven't received a reply...i'm starting to get a little frustrated...the prices are reasonable though...
I went to check my email, cause I realized that I hadn't actually checked it since friday morning. And there was a notice that my order had shipped out on Friday. So it took about 7 days for the order to be processed. It was sent ground so I ahould actually receive it by Wednesday.(I hope)
I would just be careful. A lot of women at NP had awful expereinces with them earlier this year and last year. Horrid service and lots of drama. She may have gotten her act together though because that's a lot of business to loose. Just be careful. That said, I ordered once from her before all the drama and her products are good. I've just been afraid to order agian though.
I have been wondering about this company for a while. Has anyone used the shampoo bar? I wonder if that would work on relaxed hair?
i wouldn't order from them again! it took WELL over a month to receive my stuff and i couldn't even get the lady to answer my emails or return calls. the business is unstable and it's a risk to order IMO.
mkstar826 said:
i wouldn't order from them again! it took WELL over a month to receive my stuff and i couldn't even get the lady to answer my emails or return calls. the business is unstable and it's a risk to order IMO.

How long ago did you order from her???
1. That damn woman is a nutcase.
2. Customer service is bad.
3. The mods might want to delete this thread because if the Sourcrappyazz lady finds out she will contact her imaginary lawyers and threaten to sue LHCF for defamation of character. :lachen:
CatSuga said:
1. That damn woman is a nutcase.
2. Customer service is bad.
3. The mods might want to delete this thread because if the Sourcrappyazz lady finds out she will contact her imaginary lawyers and threaten to sue LHCF for defamation of character. :lachen:

defamation is when someone makes a false statement to a third party about Crabapplesoap and if they suffer lost wages...etc....because of the false statement.

If the statment is true, it is not defamation.

Thank all of you for sharing your experience about this company. I am glad that I preferred to pay by check instead of credit card.
MzTami said:
defamation is when someone makes a false statement to a third party about Crabapplesoap and if they suffer lost wages...etc....because of the false statement.

If the statment is true, it is not defamation.

EXACTLY!!!! :lachen:
Not good. I finally got my product and I ordered over 4 weeks ago. They said their shipment didn't arrive but they took the money after the first 2 days but took 4 weeks to deliver the product. The telephone # does not work and they do not respond within 24 hours via email. I had so-so of an experience with them.

MzTami said:
Has anyone ordered from this company? Their prices are reasonable and I ordered products from them, but they didn't say how long it will take and I don't see a phone number listed. Please share your experience with this company if any.

Thanks in advance.
Meant to add- now I need to call my CC back and tell them to NOT reverse the charges since I did receive the product. My CC don't play.
I've not had any problems receiving any orders I've placed with her in a decent amount of time.

Okay...she does seem to have personal issues and doesn't mind discussing them with consumers...maybe it's just me but I don't mind lending an ear. I think sometimes people just need to vent and in most cases they will do it with strangers vs. someone they know very well. As long as it doesn't interfere with my products getting out to me in a timely manner.
I just made a ne thread re: this company. I wish I had read all thes threads before ordering.

I ordered 10/25 and still have not received my order. I guess I will have to be patient. She got her money in 2 days. I have not had trouble with any other co. ordering online.

i will give it another week. Then I'm thinking about contacting the Better business bureau or some online regulators of business.