Anyone on Atkins/ high protien diet ?


New Member
If you are/have previously been on the Atkins diet, what difference did you notice in your hair?? My hair seemed to grow much faster and thicker..
When I was on Atkins my hair and nails grew faster. But I hate the Atkins diet because it messes with my emotions too much.
Have to agree with you there. Seems like the diameter of my hair strands are thicker. I think I could sew a dress with one of the strands if I needed to!

My hair seems to be growing faster...but there are a lot of factors:

High protein diet
A lot of water
Rosemary oil
Woojee cream
No heat
Moisturizing treatments for my hiar
Carefull combing helps me keep and see length
Taking better over all care of my hair

I think all those factors are giving me the greater growth
I been on atkins for almost a year now. My hair has fallen out. I don't know if it is atkins or the extreme change in my eating habits. I never used heat or did anything damaging to my hair so my guess is that it was atkins or birth control. I've been on BC before so I don't think it was that.
ElisaF your hair fell out!!!

OMG. did it just break badly/ lots of shedding or did it come out in clumps? Did you ever see a doctor?
ElisaF said:
I been on atkins for almost a year now. My hair has fallen out. I don't know if it is atkins or the extreme change in my eating habits. I never used heat or did anything damaging to my hair so my guess is that it was atkins or birth control. I've been on BC before so I don't think it was that.

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JUMPIN JEHOSAPHAT!!!!! Have you been to a doctor? You stayed on it a year...even though your hair was falling out? Or did it fall out suddenly?

I know that Atkins (if done improperly, i.e. staying below 20 carbs per day for a long in over the 2 week induction period) can cause vitamin deficiency, which can cause your hair to fall out.

Are you taking vitamins? Even if you are, are you eating enough carbs? If you are not eating enough food and taking vitamins you can still be found deficient.

Are you going through hormonal changes, i.e. pregnant, diabetes, pre/post menopausal?

Something is wrong. Your body is telling you something. Definitely meet with the doctor and tell him EVERYTHING you are and are not she can figure out how to balance your system and help you still loose weight but keep your hair flourishing.

Best wishes to you.
ElisaF said:
I been on atkins for almost a year now. My hair has fallen out. I don't know if it is atkins or the extreme change in my eating habits. I never used heat or did anything damaging to my hair so my guess is that it was atkins or birth control. I've been on BC before so I don't think it was that.

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You're supposed to be taking supplements if you stay on atkins for that long. Did you that???
I was atkins but stopped coz it mad eme an emotional wreck. I had to take HTP5 for the moods swings. If you don't take a multivitamin while on atkins your hair will fall though...
opps... sorry chanou.. Pre Menstral Tension.. like how you feel before that time of the month..
No, I never went to see a doctor. I've been meaning to but I haven't yet. It starting shedding and then it just starting coming out in clumps everytime I combed it. All the strands had roots attached and it fell out from the middle to the back. I cannot leave my hair out at all because it is so damaged. When I put a mirror and look at the back of my hair I want to cry because my hair was growing so healthy. I'm going to give in and get it cut this weekend and get a texturizer. I was thinking that maybe I should go to the doctor fist and see what caused this problem so it won't happen again. I have a couple of post on here from when it first started falling out when i was in a panic. I started the atkins in august and it starting falling out around november. It was also around the time I got a perm. I was thinking that it could have been the hair salon too because she did leave the perm on my hair for longer then she was suppose to, but then it probably would have fell out everywhere right?
opps... sorry chanou.. Pre Menstral Tension.. like how you feel before that time of the month..
Xena said:
opps... sorry chanou.. Pre Menstral Tension.. like how you feel before that time of the month..

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Yes. It was like having PMS on a permanent basis. I hated that feeling. I figured out it was the diet because whenever I upped my carb intake, the feeelings went away. I finally took HTP5 and that took care of those feeling. I stopped Atkins though, coz I was always popping a pill to stay on the diet. I figure, it couldn't be that good for me. I did lose weight !!
ElisaF said:
No, I never went to see a doctor. I've been meaning to but I haven't yet. It starting shedding and then it just starting coming out in clumps everytime I combed it. All the strands had roots attached and it fell out from the middle to the back. I cannot leave my hair out at all because it is so damaged. When I put a mirror and look at the back of my hair I want to cry because my hair was growing so healthy. I'm going to give in and get it cut this weekend and get a texturizer. I was thinking that maybe I should go to the doctor fist and see what caused this problem so it won't happen again. I have a couple of post on here from when it first started falling out when i was in a panic. I started the atkins in august and it starting falling out around november. It was also around the time I got a perm. I was thinking that it could have been the hair salon too because she did leave the perm on my hair for longer then she was suppose to, but then it probably would have fell out everywhere right?

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Elisa...I really encourage you NOT to texturize until you know what is wrong.

You didnt get to answer the question:

How many carbs are you eating a day?
Do you take vitamins?
Why haven't you been to the doctor?

Your hair falling out is a sign of a serious problem. I really would not put chemicals on it until you know what is wrong. Dont you want to stop this from happening?
I think I am going to go out today and get Vitamins because I haven't been taken any vitamins. I was eatting around 20 carbs a-day and some days it may have been a little less. I started taking mega woman for a while when I first started.
Yes, it started falling out suddenly. I noticed a lot of strands in the comb and hair was all over the place. From the middle of november to around february it fell out badly.

Like pookeylou I Think you should get to adoctor NOW.

you should also try going on and find support for this way of life that you're on.
If I were you I would start taking a multivtamin, calcium supplement for now. Maybe you should move from phase I to phase II now....
ElisaF I totally agree with Pookeylou on this.
Aktins may have contributed to your hair breaking but I would be surprised if it was was the sole cause.
What was the state of your fingernails may I ask?
The condition of your hair/ nails is usually a direct relection of what is going on inside your body.
Please go and see a doctor.
I had a friend who's hair stopped growing and began to shed like crazy when she was on Atkins. She had very thick hair that became very, very thin. She stopped the diet but it never did return to being thick again.
I would recommend seeing a doctor to see what advice they can give you.
Thank you all for encouraging me to go to a doctor. I think that is what I needed (a little encouragement) because I've been making appointments and canceling. then I was going to get my haircut and texturized on saturday, but you are right... I do need to get to the root of the problem before I do anything.
To answer your question pookeylou, I was eating 20 carbs a day when I first started, but now I eat more than that. I don't really count anymore because i'm in the maintenance stage now but I know not to go overboard.