Anyone notice hair changes during pregnancy?


Think Slim
I'm not sure if my mind is playing tricks on me, but I have noticed 2 changes in my hair since becoming pregnant:

1. My hair is losing a lot of curl; it's wavy where it used to be curly.

2. I used a cellophane rinse and it's not nearly as deep red as it used to be, it's more blondish. I was a strawberry blond kid, but my hair doesn't usually lighten up until summer.

Has anyone experience any changes?
Yep, I know what you're talking about. The front of my hairline is coarse and it's less rough now. Does that return to normal? I know that I'm going to shed once the baby is born, but I'm wondering if I am wasting my time with the temp color. It's just not the color that I used to get and if it's not going to be red anymore, I may as well pic a new color.
During my pregnancy my hair grew like weeds.
My hair started shedding bad 1 mth ago and is still shedding. I am also nursing.
What can I do to eliminate some of the shedding?
Did all of you ladies who were pregnant go without a relaxer throughout your term? Just curious to know. I didn't mean to steal your thread Webby.
My hair grew like a weed and it was thick...super thick. I haven't had any postpardum shedding yet (my daughter is almost a year) but I'm still breastfeeding and both my Dr and stylist said it can take my hormones 1-2 years after weaning...that's when they suspect my shedding will begin. I wish there was a way to prevent this, but I haven't heard of any.
I thought you weren't supposed to have your hair relaxed while you were pregnant....? I'll start my own post! Sorry WEBBY!!!!!
My hair grew fast when I was preggo..but my hair was never the same after that stage where your hair falls out after pregnancy.. my hair has never been the same as it was b4 I got pregnant the first time..