Anyone NOT feeling MTG?


I was interested in trying MTG since I've experience my hair loss. Before I do I wanted to know if anyone has had a negative experience or just not feeling MTG.

I used MTG a long time ago (July 2005). All it did was made my head smell like bbq. I used the rest of the bottle on my dog.
The smell prevents me from using it. I've only used it once and everytime I turn my head I can smell it.
i stopped using it because of the smell. i havent used it in over 6 months and some of my clothes still smell like it :ohwell:
I bought a big bottle, and tried it out for about a month off an on. I smelled SO bad b/c of it, I couldn't stand it!

I tried everything to mask the smell. Nothing worked.

I had to throw out at least three brushes b/c no matter how I tried I could not get the smell out of my brushes, and when I FINALLY got that terrible stink out of my hair (five shampoos, baking soda, and vinegar later) the brushes would redeposit the smell on my hair. Yuck.

I went back to Surge Plus 14 for my topical growth aid. I spend
too much money on perfumes (my other obsession) to wander around the city smelling like a rotted bacon/ rubber tire hybrid!:lol:

I did not throw the bottle out, however just in case I ever get bald patches or something else makes me desperate enough to use it again.
I tried it for about a month and stopped because I saw no difference in growth rate. All it did was make my scalp itchy.
MissDiva said:
The smell prevents me from using it. I've only used it once and everytime I turn my head I can smell it.

Same here. Couldn't stand it and threw it out. I could not stand the oiliness, the odor, the fact that it starnishes silver - just isn't worth it.
i'm just not feeling it

there's enough growth aides available.... the last thing we need is one that stinks to high heaven
I don't think you should have to subject yourself to something that smells horrible you get hair growth. I have been on this forum for a while and have read alot of the MTG threads. Not saying it doesn't work for the ladies who use it, but I think if you really take care of your hair:-

*Good moisturizing shampoo
*Good moisturizing conditioners, the occasional protein treatments
*Good moisturizer
*Protect those ends

You should be fine.
Just my two-sense:)
I think the best thing to do is buy the small sample bottle. I personally don't have any issues with the smell, but some ladies do. It is probably that some people are more sensative to the smell than others. I also agree that no one should use a product when they can't stand the smell just to get length.
I didn't want to use it because of the smell and when I researched the cade oil that was part of it....the cade oil should not be used by women who are pregnant or trying to get pregnant. I'd like to try next year so I didn't want anything to hinder that process.:)
MTG worked GREAT on my hair, especially thickness wise...

however i am turned off by the oiliness...

i still have a bit left under the sink
I've used it earlier this year and the only reason why I stopped was because I got pregnant and didn't want to risk a miscarriage just to grow some hair. But I only used about a nickel sized amount on my scalp every other day and I was co-washing and I was pretty pleased with the results.
I haven't had any bad results. I actually like the smell (smells like sulfur from back in the day) but I no longer notice the smell after just my once a week wash. I use it 5 days a week. I do get gray hair but I rinse my hair so that doesn't bother me. Or the gray could come from worrying about other things. :) My hair is very oily but again that doesn't bother me either. I never noticed it turn my silver but I will pay attention from now on.

But good luck in whatever you pick.
I first started using it in December 2005 and recently stopped using it about 6 months because it just wasn't doing anything for me. The smell didn't bother me. I was using it 3 times a weeks and I really don't like parting my hair and applying anything on my scalp but I wanted to see progress so I did it 3 times a week. I have went through 4 bottles and I have a little left that I mixed with some scurl and surge and when that is gone I will not re-purchase...It work for others but not me:)