Anyone move from NY to CA?


Well-Known Member
Has your hair changed? If so, how? and how did you fix it? My hair has been different since I moved here to CA. Much drier... I can barely come through it. I'm thinking hard water, maybe. What do you NY to CA ladies thing?
Has your hair changed? If so, how? and how did you fix it? My hair has been different since I moved here to CA. Much drier... I can barely come through it. I'm thinking hard water, maybe. What do you NY to CA ladies thing?

Are you natural or relaxed?

I'm natural, so I can only help with natural hair remedies. LOL!
I moved to Cali from NY in 2004. I've only recently been experiencing dryness but that's because I've been more lazy with my hair than when I was in NY. Also, I expereince a little more dryness because there is not as much shade from the sun in Cali as there is in NY. Sitting in the sun too long can make your hair crispy. I'm going to fix it by doing more twists and wet sets, instead of blowing and flat ironing, in addition to wearing hats if I'm in the sun for a long time. Cali is a much drier climate than NY. We are practically in the desert and It rarely rains here so there is not much moisture in the air. I would say make sure you drink plenty of water and put water on your hair often, followed by a rich moisturizer to coat.
I know foxieroxienyc moved here from NY so you could try pming her.

I've lived in la my whole life and when I went to Boston for school I noticed the water their was harder than here. Regionally, I think water just has different things in it so that may be the problem.

You could try getting a water filter, that may help. Also, the sun can be really brutal on hair. I wear sunscreen on my skin every day and it dawned on me that my hair is getting beat up by the sun as well. I use castor oil to add another layer of protection, but I'm natural so I'm not sure if that would work for you.
I lived in LA for 3 months on an internship and my was drier and my hairdresser was disgusted when I returned. I guess you should get a shower filter. Maybe make your own spirtz concoction in a bottle to spirtz your hair 2x a day. Also, recently I noticed that Neutrogena has a hair product with sunscreen as a Daily Moisturizer maybe you want to use it directly or add to your spirtz mix. Also, I heard that avocado oil was a good protectant from the sun.
I have lived here my entire life - the air is dryer and the sun is stronger. I use camellia oil which I learned about here. It has natural sunscreen properties that work great. My hair used to turn redish in the sun, but since using the camellia oil, that doesn't happen any longer. I would suggest using a light creamy leave in and a light oil to seal. I've read that rasberry seed and rice bran oil also have sunscreen properties as well.
I moved to Cali from NY in 2004. I've only recently been experiencing dryness but that's because I've been more lazy with my hair than when I was in NY. Also, I expereince a little more dryness because there is not as much shade from the sun in Cali as there is in NY. Sitting in the sun too long can make your hair crispy. I'm going to fix it by doing more twists and wet sets, instead of blowing and flat ironing, in addition to wearing hats if I'm in the sun for a long time. Cali is a much drier climate than NY. We are practically in the desert and It rarely rains here so there is not much moisture in the air. I would say make sure you drink plenty of water and put water on your hair often, followed by a rich moisturizer to coat.
hmmm, i never thought about that. that's a good thought! I recently started moisturizing everyday. but i found that in ny, i can do rollerset with just water, and my hair would be nice, easy to come through, no breakage. now with my rollersets here in cali, i put my leave in conditioner- keracare, silken seal etc and i can barely comb through hair sometimems, especially the newer hair ( thats permed, but newer)
I know foxieroxienyc moved here from NY so you could try pming her.

I've lived in la my whole life and when I went to Boston for school I noticed the water their was harder than here. Regionally, I think water just has different things in it so that may be the problem.

You could try getting a water filter, that may help. Also, the sun can be really brutal on hair. I wear sunscreen on my skin every day and it dawned on me that my hair is getting beat up by the sun as well. I use castor oil to add another layer of protection, but I'm natural so I'm not sure if that would work for you.

i considered getting a water filter. i got the immpression that the water in cali was harder than the northeast.
I lived in LA for 3 months on an internship and my was drier and my hairdresser was disgusted when I returned. I guess you should get a shower filter. Maybe make your own spirtz concoction in a bottle to spirtz your hair 2x a day. Also, recently I noticed that Neutrogena has a hair product with sunscreen as a Daily Moisturizer maybe you want to use it directly or add to your spirtz mix. Also, I heard that avocado oil was a good protectant from the sun.

I'm glad someone had a similar experience. I knew I wasn't going crazy. Thank you for sharing.
i considered getting a water filter. i got the immpression that the water in cali was harder than the northeast.

I think it's just about what your hair is used to. For example, I can't drink tap water anywhere else because I'm used to the way tap water tastes here, and it tastes different in other places. When I lived in Boston my hair reacted badly to the water, and then when I'd come home it was fine. I'm sure there are different minerals and stuff in the water here than there are there.

Your hair just isn't used to the water here. It may be harder or it could just be different. I think you can go to Home Depot and get water testing strips free of charge and see if your water is ok.
I have lived here my entire life - the air is dryer and the sun is stronger. I use camellia oil which I learned about here. It has natural sunscreen properties that work great. My hair used to turn redish in the sun, but since using the camellia oil, that doesn't happen any longer. I would suggest using a light creamy leave in and a light oil to seal. I've read that rasberry seed and rice bran oil also have sunscreen properties as well.

So common theme here seems to be sunscreen. Is olive oil or coconut oil a natural sunscreener? That's what I have. I just started using Pantene relaxed and natural with jojoba oil. Do any of these have sunscreen properties?
it is definitally drier here in So Cal. There isnt even close to the same amount of moisture in the air. LA is basically a desert on the ocean. Suncreen is essential for your skin, hair and scalp. Coffee bean butter is a great sunscreen, I use it on my hands which seem to always be dry and exposed to the sun especially when driving. The Santa Anas we have been having lately dont help much either.
I am glad that some of you guys have actually thought about this and come up with some solutions. I'm glad that you guys even realized what could be causing the change in you hair. Has everyone experienced a change? Or is it just a few of us. And was adding sunscreen, moisturizer and even a filter enough to bring your hair back to normal? Or are you guys still struggling?