Anyone LIKE Aubrey Organics Shampoos?


New Member
The general consensus I hear is that their conditioners are AWESOME but the 'poos arent that great....I relli am soo interested in this line right now and want to delve into it...

Anyone had any good experiences with the shampoos?
I didnt care for them. They made my hair hard. I ended up using them as a body wash and to clean makeup/hair brushes. I loved the condtioners tho. They left my hair soft and managable.
i've used the island naturals diluted with water-it was ok

the honeysuckle rose diluted with water-i like it. my hair was clean but not stripped

the white camellia diluted with water-i like it. it seems to debulk my hair
i don't like Aubrey's Shampoos. They are very drying. The honeysuckle rose shampoo left my hair stripped, tangled and matted.
i havent tried the AO shampoos. the only thing i tried from that line is the GBP conditioner, which I liked a lot.

with the answers you got from this thread, it does seem like organic shampoos are very drying.
i used the Giovanni Direct shampoo and although it claimed to be moisturizing, it was everything BUT that. It left my hair hard and so awfully tangled! worse than a clarifying shampoo, although you don't feel that the hair is clarifyied, it's just a tangled mess.
I've only used the Island Naturals poo. It doesn't leave my hair as soft as Elucence Moisture Benefits or Abba Nourishing, but it does seem to get my hair clean for sulfate free shampoo. It does leave my hair with a stripped feeling which disappears instantly when I apply the conditioner.