Anyone know a cure for dry hair?


Well-Known Member
Usually about a week or two before my relaxer my hair gets extremely dry and brittle. Does anyone know of any leave in conditioners, topical creams or moisturizer I can use to help my hair get softer/supple? I'm trying to avoid washing my hair right before my perm. So any suggestions other than washing would be helpful. :) Thanks!
Try this...I got it from a forum for that "other" type of always helps when my hair is extremely dry.

"Snowy's Fave Moisture Treatment
1 part Fave conditioner (must be moisture), mine is VO5-Sun Kissed Raspberry.
1/4 part honey
1/4 part clear aloe vera gel (I use Fruit of the Earth).

(I also add some olive oil to my mix).

Place in a cup and warm in microwave for 10 to 15 seconds--just until warm. Wash hair and squeeze out excess, blot dry, leave in under heat cap, warm towels or shower cap, what have you, for an hour or so. Rinse well. Finish (add leave-in if you do so) and style as usual Wah-la!!! Extreme Moistness. This is great after protein treatments!!! WOOT!!!"
Thank you! I think I'll try the baggie method tonight. For my last relaxer I used Nairobi. But I've used over 10 types of relaxers and I always get this dryness around the 6th week.
When my hair feels dry I mix up around 3 moisturising cons with glycerine, castor oil and honey. I add this to dry hair and let sit over night. In the morning I rinse and deep con. Works like a charm for moisture.
Try this...

clarify with Suave Daily moisturizing poo
shampoo again with a moisturizing poo
Deep condition with any moisturizing conditioner but add some oil like WGO or hot six...those are my favorites. Sit under the dryer for 20 minutes

After that my dryness is gone. If you use direct heat I would minimize that and Elasta QP mango butter and Profectiv Breakfree is wonderful for your ends...just seal with a bit of oil.

If you're trying for a moisturizing product without washing like you mentioned in your post you may want to try B&B Moisturizing lotion (in a bottle) It's really inexpensive but it works for me. I usually use a nickel sized amount towards the ends of my hair each day. This has helped me to retain length and include moisture in my routine without weighing my hair down.

I usually add a light touch of oil and smooth.

I just purchased the B&B Growth Moisturizer (in a white bottle) and so far it's great, although it is a little more liquid than I would like so it can cause a little reversion if I use too much.
Thanks everyone!!! I definitely need to go to the BSS and stock up. gn1g I usually drink about 8 glasses a day but w/in the last 2-3 days I haven't been doing that :hammer: . I know I know. I'll start back drinking 8 glasses today. Thanks again.
I have the same problem as you. As we speak, I am at 6.5 weeks and I am a beginner stretcher. I just got some Red Palm Oil and put some on last night. My hair is soft and moisturized. It feels so nice. Vatika Oil seems to help me too.
Cowashing, for me, has improved the moisture levels in my hair. Also you should seal in your leave-ins with oil after washing. That will trap the maximum amount of moisture.
Baggying overnight with a DC would probably take care of your dryness. Adding a moisturizing leave-in would help too. Good luck to ya!
LovelyMiracle said:
Try this...

clarify with Suave Daily moisturizing poo
shampoo again with a moisturizing poo
Deep condition with any moisturizing conditioner but add some oil like WGO or hot six...those are my favorites. Sit under the dryer for 20 minutes


I agree with Lovely. I noticed that when I am due for a re touch, my hair doesn't soak up moistuare as it did weeks before. After I dc and moisturize, my hair is good to go. By clarifying, it's almost like starting with a new palette.
2-3 tsp flaxseed oil daily

8 glasses of water

baggy 3 inches + of hair nightly (also daily if possible)

moisterizing condition (keracare humecto, mizani moisture fuse, EM moist )

oil (olive oil, veg oil, jojoba oil, ORS olive oil, carrot oil)\

condition every wash...use oil to seal after cond...Blessings !
Thank you ladies! I went to the BSS this weeked and couldn't find any of these products. Guess I'm going to have to buy online. Thanks again for your help.