Anyone keep a hair journal...


New Member
to keep track of your progress? I started mine on september 1st. I'm in search of the perfect routine so I write in it everyday (sometimes I have alot to write. Sometimes it's just a sentence) so I know what products work and what doesn't. I probably sound like a loser
but hey it helps!! Anyone else keep a journal or do something similar?
bellydancer, I keep one, too. I think it's really useful to look back and see what has worked for me and what hasn't. It also helps me remember when I need to do another deep-conditioning treatment, etc. I just use a wide-ruled notebook, and every time I wash my hair, I write down exactly what products I used and how my hair turned out. I also record relaxers, trims -- all the major stuff. So you are not alone!
What a coincidence..I just started mine today. I think someone (perhaps Dontspeakdefeat) recommended a three ring binder divided into sections and that's what I'm doing! (For Skin and Hair)
I keep one too but I purposely don't update it like I am supposed to. As of right now I can tell my hair is longer than it was when it started but I don't want to measure just yet. I want to shock myself.
I thought about it but I can never find the time to start one. I might just have to start one tonight.
I keep a journal in general. I find that the condition of my hair effects my mood so, I write about both.
Count me in bellydancer. I review products, record touchups, plan adjustments to my routine, and even tape in shed hair so that I can track breakage/shedding.
I thought about it but I can never find the time to start one. I might just have to start one tonight.

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and even tape in shed hair so that I can track breakage/shedding.

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Megon, girl, you're out of control!!!

I keep a hair journal. I write in it every time I wash my hair; I write in what products I used, what I did with my hair (whether I roller-set, air-dried, or did a twist-out) and how my hair felt & behaved afterwards.
It has helped me to figure out what products work best for me.
I keep a journal. I have dates from May when I started the Summer Challenge. It is pretty easy for me because I write it in my planner. Most days it is a record of if I took my vitamins or moisturized my hair, but on wash days I have a lot. The journal helps me to track what works and what doesn't work.
and even tape in shed hair so that I can track breakage/shedding.

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Megon, girl, you're out of control!!!

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I don't just have issues, I have a whole subscription.

This summer I was trying to identify products that worked well for home care of my fine, relaxed hair. I didn't care for my hair from high school to grad school cuz it was always in braids, so this is a whole new world for me. Lately my hair journal entries all read the same, cuz I'm using the products in the signature exclusively. Once I try Curlex, I'll have big news again!

Lindy, thanks for the serum and Clairol Renewal 5X recommendations.
Lindy, thanks for the serum and Clairol Renewal 5X recommendations.

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You're welcome Megon; I'm so glad they're working for ya!!
I wish I could stick with just one product line!! I'm still too much of a product junkie to do that, but I do have a few staple products in my arsenal - the Relax serum is definitely one of them!!
I can't wait to hear how the Curlex worked for you.
I think you're gonna be the LHCF's guinea pig for that!!
I don't just have issues, I have a whole subscription.

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Girl, you know I'm gonna be using that one!

I don't have a real hair journal. I've been wanting to start one too. All I have right now is a little typed document that has the date of my last touch up and when I started my vitamins and the products I was using at the time (I've changed things since then). I might just turn that into my official hair journal. I like writing journals on paper but i do have a journal program I use on my computer sometimes (usually on days when I have lots to say and typing would be faster). We'll see...I have a tendency to start things and never keep it up...
Since joining this board, I have begun to keep a journal. I note dates of relaxers, wash days and the products I used, vitamins, etc.
I started a new one when I came to this board. It really helps me keep track of my regime and progress and I can see what happened when I started new products. It helps make this journey lots of fun!:)
This is another one of those things that I know would be great to do but I have managed to put it off. I'm going to try and remember to buy the widest planner that will fit into my pocketbook and use it as a journal. For product eval/regimen and a few other things.

Has anyone ever used their "Palm organizer" for this. Or does anyone know if it would work for that purpose. I don't own one but I've been looking for an excuse to get one.
I also keep an online hair journal that I write in everday. I started that on August 1st. That way if something goes wrong Ill know exactly what I did.
I have a journal where I write a monthly wrap up on my hair journey for that month. I also have that wonderful Excel spreadsheet/hair journal that LondonDiva made (this thing is excellent) where everything in my regimen is noted daily.
Count me in bellydancer. I review products, record touchups, plan adjustments to my routine, and even tape in shed hair so that I can track breakage/shedding.

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You know what I was thinking about doing that today (with the shed hair)!! At first I thought it was a little obsessive
but who cares!! I wanna do it.
Yes I do! I helps keep me motivated. I keep track of progress, hair products, tips and tricks etc. Keeps me from having to do online searching all the time!
exactly dsd i started mine wen i started my 365 day challenge and unless i noted down my does and dont i'd probably forget. It started out this way but developed into regiment, vitamins and what i'd used on my hair with what results etc
I've been keeping one since June last year. I record relaxer schedule, braid schedule, and the changes in length each time I get a relaxer. I record vitamin intake, exercise programs and some product reviews.

It's inspirational to look back and see where I was and where I am now.