Anyone interested in taking a Hair Survey


New Member
Please read all before responding!

Looking for 25 members who suffer from hair loss/shedding to participate in an online survey. My clients are interested in your views.

After completion of the survey your name will be placed in a drawing and one participant will receive a product sampling.

*Please note*
I have to cut it off at the first 25 respondents! However, if the first respondents don't respond by 02/05/09 3pm est. Reserve respondents will be used.

  1. List your name in this thread
  2. Next to your name pick a number from 1-25 and enter that number next to your name.
  3. Make sure that your number is unique.
  4. Respondents will be given the survey link via pm.
Okay ladies just a reminder the drawing will be held in the morning. The scientific method of numbers in a bowl will be used and my son will pull the number...jus so you know :look:

I need about 13 more participants or so. If that number isn't reached by 10am I'll work with what I have.

#11 jsjess
#17 Loco
#18 PatTodd

Winners pm me your addresses!

I decided to have my picker pick 3 instead of one. Thanks for helping out ladies! I'll keep the rest of the participants in mind when I get more product samples......Thanks again!

There were a couple of people that I think I may have skipped, so I entered you in anyway to be fair.

The process went like this:

I went through all the replies wrote the numbers down and put them in a bucket. Then I came back to the thread to see who he picked. That's real science:lachen:
