Anyone interested in doing a group buy for this book?

Hi, I've decided to get serious about becoming more available and finding a great guy, so I found this ebook, but I've learned from experience that sometimes the marketing is better than the book, I also would like to share ideas and thoughts related to this book with some serious ladies. So who would like to group buy this book:

I think it would be a great help especially if you are trying online dating, let me know I plan on closing the thread by Saturday.

1.Belle Creole

Thank you!
This just sounds like another "Steve Harvey" book.... Another man telling us what WE are doing wong...and how to fix US.
You know I didn't see it that way. I haven't read Steve Harvey's book, but my interest in the book is more as an online dating companion. There's definitely more than one way to look at it.

If your not a man I'm sure it would be helpful to understand dating [or online meeting] from there perspective.

I'm not an expert in online dating/meeting and I think this would be helpful, anyone else interested?
If this is the type of thing you are set on reading, then just download, or buy Why Men Love *****es. Pretty much everything he talks about is in there for a fraction of the price.
Just listen to the Dedan Tolbert Show for free and downloadable on Itunes. It's really changed my life over the past year.