Anyone interested in a spiritual diet? :)


New Member
I have been following a 60 day program called "The Lord's Table". The focus is relying on God through the power of His son Jesus & His Spirit for all your emotional and physical needs rather than food. For example, my overeating habits comes from trying to fill the emotional up/downs that I sometimes go through. It has a intense eating plan with fasting and half fasting days but this is a guide line; you don't have to follow it if you don't want to.

It's a free 60 day course. The website also has other free courses for example there is one for teenagers and sexual purity, drug abuse, alcohol, porn, etc. It's a wonderful site.

Please take a look and share it with someone you know would benefit from it :)

Here is the link & click on the country you live in :)

Be Blessed!
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I am not really interested in doing a diet, but what I am doing is similar. I am putting my flesh under subjection. I am no longer going to let my flesh control, what I eat, feel, do , or say. Basically, I am the boss of me. I sew to my spirit instead of my flesh, and in doing that I have lost some pounds, feel better physically and have become empowered all while strengthening my relationship with God.
This looks interesting. I signed up for it and will review it even if I dont follow through. I just ordered the dvd and cd from I watched the dvd and Xina is very friendly and motivating. I havent listened to the cd beyond the first day. If you order the resolutions kit it has the cd and the dvd and you get a password to print up some worksheets. I saw this in O mag and was attracted to it because she wants to deal with mindsets that may be holding you back. I know I can do the work. I've done it to a certain extent, I always end up sabotaging myself tho.

*Edit*...OOO...I just logged in. They make you accountable gurl!! LOL... I guess I will HAVE to be serious to do this. Thanx for sharing this, I will pass it on.
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It's actually pretty good. I have a mentor who encourages me and prays for me daily. I'm so thankful. :)