Anyone here using both Boundless Tressess and MTG?

I am using both. I originally purchased the BT to use on my daughter's hair. I've since decided not to use it on her.

I had purchase MTG for myself, and now I had two bottles of BT too. I was wearing microbraids, so it was easy to saturate my scalp with MTG at night and tie up my hair. If I forgot to put the MTG on or if I had an important meeting the next day, I would use the odorless BT. I used it for about a month before I had to rebraid my hair. I normally keep my braids in for about 4 months. After only 1.5 months, I had too much new growth :eek: .

I just had my hair rebraided (my braider even commented that my hair had gotten longer). This time I used synthetic hair, so that I'll be able to measure the new growth a lot better.

Since I have been home for a week, I have been using the MTG on my scalp 3 times a day. Someone else had posted that she tried this and it gave her better results. I don't have it dripping wet, just enough to oil the scalp. At night I put a shower cap on, and then tie a silk scarf, then put on the silk bonnet. I'll continue this routine for another 5 days. When I return to work, I will use the BT in the morning and then MTG before bed. I added Rosemary oil to the MTG to give it a different scent.

As long as I don't have the sulfur products dripping down my neck, I'm ok. Yes, I experienced that burn early on because I let the product run down my neck. Although I am careful to not let the product run, I may also place vaseline on my neck to help protect it from the sulfur that may end up on my hair that may touch my neck:) .

I'll give another update in 1 month.
:wave: I am-but only because before I switched to BT, I had a ton of the MTG left. I apply the BT every night and will occasionally apply the MTG at night instead of the BT. It's not the same MTG mixture though, because I drained most of the oil off and refilled it with coconut, olive and jojoba oils. I don't think my hair is growing at a super speedy rate but I did slack on my reg for a little bit. Ask me again in December-I just got back on the good foot, plus I'm hiding my hair until then.