Anyone have problems with hair loss after pregnancy?


New Member
I just had my baby in August and all of my shedded hair started coming out 3 months ago. My hair has finally stopped all of the shedding now. My hair is thicker but my edges are missing hair now. I already had a spot on each side of my edges that were thin and missing a little hair from damage years ago. Now I have hair missing in areas that had hair plus more in the parts that was already thin. I can't even pull my hair back and wear a puff now. Has anyone experienced this before? Did your edges finally grow back and did you use anything to grow them back?
My hair fell out just like yours after both of my pregnancies. It was awful the first time because I wasn't expecting it and it freaked me out. My hair grew back quickly both times and I didn't do anything special. I just wore my hair down and parted in the middle to hide the baldness on the sides.
Yep, my edges fell out. They've returned with consistent co-washing and DCs as well as babying the edges. Some folks swear by Castor Oil, too.
I just had a baby in August as well. The postpartum shedding is no joke. :nono: I pray it stops soon. My edges look terrible.
The only thing that fell out were my edges. I didn't wear puffs, ponytails or anything like that because of it. It has grown back just fine. I started taking vitamins and would treat my hairline with castor oil. My hairline is more full than it was before I got pregnant. :)
Yay first time posting! So yes this happened to me. JBCO helped a lot. I used it every morning. I also made sure to be very gentle with my edges.
I stayed on top of my vitamins and I took MSM at nights. I experienced minimal hair loss on my edges and now it has grown back pretty thick.
my edges went as bold as a baby bottom, lost lots of hair all around (density wise).
My edges are back now, and still working on the thickness!
I lost my hairline after my first pregnancy, it was really bad, I wasn't expecting it to be so bad. It eventually grew back a bit, and now after my second pregnancy, it has fallen out massively again. The only difference this time is that I now have apl hair and don't need to wear scarves and hair bands to cover up like I did the first time around. So I'm optimistic it will grow in faster this time. Plus I sort of can handle my hair pretty well now, which I couldn't before.
I am 7 months postpartum and still shedding like crazy. It took a year for it to stop with my first so i'm sure it will be the same this time
My edges fell out as well. Time and vitamins brought them back to what they were pre-pregnancy. Until then, I just adjusted my hair styles to cover the two rather large patches :ohwell:.
I had a great deal of shedding too. It comes and it goes. I was completely freaked out, but my hair recovered. I thought I'd gotten a bad relaxer the first time. It happened again with the second kid and I was transitioning, so my hair was looking an EXTRA hot mess. All's well, that ends well though. It does come back! (but it will come back better when you stop poppin' out dem babies! :) ) GL!