anyone have pics of


flatiron & or straw set on natural hair in their album? i wanted to see if a flatiron would get as straight as a press. also i wanted to know if the straw set would look frizzy thanks in advance ladies and gents
This may or may not help, but I have pictures of my hair with a press & flat iron. A simple flat iron won't do it for my six inches of natural hair. As far as straw sets, I want one but right now my product junkie behind won't allow me to so I used perm rods (the tiny pink ones). I did an experiment with only a couple of them (in my album) but recently redid my whole head with about 40 of the rods and it came out great. I had tiny curls and it didn't look frizzy at all. I don't know if I should attribute that to using my own concoction of spray rather than using a setting lotion or because I slept in some uncomfortable positions to keep my style but it didn’t frizz up and it’s been 3 days since I’ve had my hair in this style. On another note I just went to a concert and saw a friend of mine with natural hair who had a straw set. I didn’t ask her how long she has had it in but the curls were in tack, however, her roots weren’t. You could still tell it was a straw set but it looked as though it was mixed with a little jehri curl as well. I don’t know if the results are the same for everyone, but I HTH.
well, isnt Nay our lovely feature of the month natural???? her hair has to be some kind of pressed, right....cuz on her webpage, its big and puffy, not straight and sleek (which are both awesome looks)....check out her page and see if she mentions what she uses to straighten...
oh, i found an album in my bookmarks where the girl uses a flat iron...i dont have her permission to post her album, so i'll pm you the URl....
hey! if you go to my 2nd fotki albulm under growth challenge, my first 2 pics in there are flatironed natural hair!
thanks to all of you, the flat iron only didnt work for me i pressed then flatironed. my ends looked a mess on the flatiron only parts. thanks i found lots of good stuff including the suggestions all of you made