Anyone have a suggestion for a good natural moisterizing shampoo??


New Member
Hi ladies! I'm trying to get rid of my Burt Bee's shampoo, it may be natural, but it's VERY drying to my hair.:nono: I've been reading about the Aubrey's Organics or Elucence lines. Any product suggestions for my curly head?
I like the conditioners but the shampoos are just too watery for my liking - for that - you might as well use a homemade baking soda cleanser. I've used Dr.Woods and Dr. bronners all-in-one soaps. they are pretty natural and work as shampoo but may not be moisturizing enough for you....
I like Elucence Moisture Benefits shampoo. I don't find it watery at all. I have a friend who actually dilutes it because she finds it too thick/"concentrated"
I like the conditioners but the shampoos are just too watery for my liking - for that - you might as well use a homemade baking soda cleanser. I've used Dr.Woods and Dr. bronners all-in-one soaps. they are pretty natural and work as shampoo but may not be moisturizing enough for you....

I just started using my castile soap to cleanse and based on someone else's suggestion, I added a bit of AOHR to the castile soap and I'm in love! You get the benefits of the cleansing w/o it drying your hair because AOHR is so moisturizing. My hair feels light, clean and moisturized afterward. Makes my curls pop too :yep:.

OP, have you considered shampoo bars? Check out for all natural, homemade poo bars, she has some moisturizing formulations.