Anyone have a stinky scalp


New Member
Hey Ladies,

my scalp smells like I should be another race no insult intended.

it smells like dog i swear. my mom has told me about this for years and i didn't believe her until i started doing my own hair and now i see what she's talking about, my scalp gets smelly within 3 days or so, normally when i work f/t i have time to wash only once a week, but since i'm home i wash 2x, it seems like 2x is not enough :wallbash:

I just washed my hair on Sunday and already it needs to be washed again.

Anyone else have a stinky scalp? and how many times do you wash your hair?
It did in the days when I thought it was bad to wash your hair often and I'd have my hair caked up with grease and junk. Other than that no, I wash my hair about once a week (used to be more often but detangling is a nightmare).
Go see a doctor, it maybe be like a fungus or something. Do fungus's smell?
How do you dry your hair?
no i don't have a fungi lol!!!! and i don't even use a lot of products, it just gets dirty fast :(
I don't have dry scalp or anything either, it's clear of any issues.

I rollerset or blow dry.
Do a final rinse with rosewater or use a nice smelling essential oil. I dont know if that will get rid of it over time but it should cover the smell.
Maybe try a vinegar-water rinse or a baking soda rinse to keep the freshness longer.

ETA--are your products fresh?
Maybe your scalp is oily? You may need to clarify more often. I've also read that ACV helps with this.
Do you workout frequently or does your head sweat in your sleep? Maybe you just need to wash more than you'd like to?But you say that you've always had this problem - definitely you might consider a doctor.
Wow. Yes I have that.. not dog but I know what you mean. :yep: I don't have fungus either. I do sleep under the covers and I sweat alot. I conditioner washed for a while but after a few days of that my scalp smelled like sweat and V05. That's when I went back to a natural poo bar. I wanted to ask this but didn't have the :bouncy:

Now I do once a week poo and once a week co wash, but I rinse everyday.
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yes I do and i Hate it. i wanted to post this question but I was too embressed:blush:. I'm still trying to fix it. I'm washing 2 to get the smell out.
my brother is like that and at the end of the day his scalp smells like a wet dog! His scalp produces a lot of oil. Your best bet is definitely to acv rinse once a month and by doing that constantly you should see a change and make sure you use a poo for oily hair but use it on your scalp only to avoid dryness on your strands. My brother required both because his case was serious!


don't b embarrassed by it, you will have to just wash more.

my hair stays smelling good after a couple of days but sometimes by the 3rd it needs to be washed again.

yes I do and i Hate it. i wanted to post this question but I was too embressed:blush:. I'm still trying to fix it. I'm washing 2 to get the smell out.
I wouldn`t call it stinky but it`s def not a pleasant smell:ohwell: I have a dry/flaky scalp and I always airdry...
i think my products are fresh i mean i buy them at the bss so who knows. i do need to clarify more i guess to keep my hair squeaky clean.

it may be oily my face is oily, so i'm going to assume it's coming from my scalp. my hair always has swing to it though so i guess it's only my scalp ????

i will def. try the acv rinse, and even an oily haired poo. my strands are not oily though, i'm wondering if only a scalp can be oily?

i'm not working out right now, I need to because i'm out of shape.

thx ladies.
I was thinking - maybe it is the pH balance of your body - different people are different. You produce more sebum and it oxidizes faster, thus the smell. Maybe the acv rinse would help?
yeah newflowers your right, when it's hot outside too i sweat more than the average person, may nee to get botoxed for the summer sweats :)
Have you tried an ACV rinse with essential oils as a final rinse? You would wave to make sure your scalp was well covered with it and massage it to your heart's content. I find this easiest to do when I have the solution in a basin or bucket and then dunk my head in it.

I don't know if this will help but parsley tea is supposed to help with BO (not saying you have this but if sweating might be related to it, maybe that will help. Also, do you consume a lot of dairy? I don't know if that is a culprit but just tossing things in the air that might have some effect on how you smell, not saying they are the reason. You don't have to answer this but it is something to think about: is it only your scalp with this issue? If not, perhaps the remedies that help with BO might help. But again, the hair covering your scalp does add to the equation of warmth and sweat. If all else fails, maybe invest in Clean Hair from the fragrance line "Clean". I don't know what good it will do since it is for hair, but it might make you less self-conscious. Still, asking a doc is in order. It might be a quick fix.
yeah newflowers your right, when it's hot outside too i sweat more than the average person, may nee to get botoxed for the summer sweats :)

I so understand. My skin and scalp are not oily, but stinky sweat - yeah, I've got that. I wash or co-wash my hair every other day, so it's not a problem, but deorderant is always a must for me, and in the summer time, I use a spray deoderant all over, otherwise, all of me will be stinky.

Nonie's idea of acv rinse with essential oils - try lavender oil or one of the citrius ones - both will help.
question: how can y'all smell your own scalp? i can't tell. interesting conundrum....

Heck yeah you can! It's hard to explain... my scalp gets that way when I flat iron my hair and don't wash it as frequently... I'd say probably about the second or third day... I'll keep catching a whiff of funk here and there... it took me awhile to figure out that it was my scalp. It wasn't until I finally massaged my scalp with my fingertips and smelled my hands and I was like "Whoa... that's foul.. ":nono:
Hey Ladies,

my scalp smells like I should be another race no insult intended.

it smells like dog i swear. my mom has told me about this for years and i didn't believe her until i started doing my own hair and now i see what she's talking about, my scalp gets smelly within 3 days or so, normally when i work f/t i have time to wash only once a week, but since i'm home i wash 2x, it seems like 2x is not enough :wallbash:

I just washed my hair on Sunday and already it needs to be washed again.

Anyone else have a stinky scalp? and how many times do you wash your hair?

Everybody has a stinky scalp because they sweat. I have used a tiny dab of Posner's Bergamot oil on my scalp when I can't wash and it's a little stinky and it helps. Bergamot is antiseptic. It doesn't clog the scalp and I only use a little. What about a dry shampoo? That might help you last beyond 2 days. I know what you mean, though.
Wow. Yes I have that.. not dog but I know what you mean. :yep: I don't have fungus either. I do sleep under the covers and I sweat alot. I conditioner washed for a while but after a few days of that my scalp smelled like sweat and V05. That's when I went back to a natural poo bar. I wanted to ask this but didn't have the :bouncy:

Now I do once a week poo and once a week co wash, but I rinse everyday.

Exactly! We three must be related or something. That's why I stopped conditioner washing.
My scalp does the same thing, usually when my scalp get really oily , it will start to smell. I just rinse my hair with water.:drunk:
Everybody has a stinky scalp because they sweat. I have used a tiny dab of Posner's Bergamot oil on my scalp when I can't wash and it's a little stinky and it helps. Bergamot is antiseptic. It doesn't clog the scalp and I only use a little. What about a dry shampoo? That might help you last beyond 2 days. I know what you mean, though.

You're right about the bergamot. I have two sisters and a brother who have stinky scalps, and feet (one really foul). They use Earl Grey Tea with Bergamont on their scalps or as a rinse after cleansing their hair. It works wonders. In the summer, I use it also, 'cause I sweat alot at that time.
yup that's what i do the finger tip rub, and then bam!!!! lol!!! but after 2-3 days, depending on if i have worn it out outside or stayed in the house, my hair seems to suck up all odors, but i am going to clafify each week with suave daily, it doesn't make my hair too dry.

i mean don't get me wrong i'm not offending people in the street or when i work :lachen:

Heck yeah you can! It's hard to explain... my scalp gets that way when I flat iron my hair and don't wash it as frequently... I'd say probably about the second or third day... I'll keep catching a whiff of funk here and there... it took me awhile to figure out that it was my scalp. It wasn't until I finally massaged my scalp with my fingertips and smelled my hands and I was like "Whoa... that's foul.. ":nono:
thank ladies i'm happy to see i'm not the only one, i guess we just require more frequent washing, i'm really going to start using the dry shampoos in between washes because right now i'm at home, but when i go back to work i won't have time to wash 2x a week.

i will look into the bergamot, is it light? because I don't use heavy stuff on my hair, i like to keep it fluffly :).

ok i know i said ok to acv rinse........but what is it? yeah i don't know all the code words for stuff on here lol!!