Anyone have a set back with rollersetting their hair to tight?


Well-Known Member
Did it catch back up with the other hair or did you have to cut the rest off to even out. I made a discovery from roller setting my hair that a couple of pieces was short in the back and I know it came from roller setting too tight and when I flat ironed my hair I only did the the front which I can see and he did the back and he said he noticed it but never said nothing, I am so conscience of the short pieces now and to be honest I'm worried, I like tight roller sets because they last longer but never will want to forfeit my length for a tight one. I vow now I will never do it so tight again. Anyone else ever roller set their hair so tight they forfeited some of their length? What did you do to recover?
i think you can have a secure set, but you may need to use bigger rollers. i haven't had issues with roller sets. i like secure roller sets too, but as my hair grew, i had to adjust the roller size. i know i can never use the small rollers again. that's asking for trouble.
Hope someone can chime in with help, but I haven't hear of such though I'm sure , as with anything, too tight can lead to breakage/damage. Is it possible for you to roll looser. Not completely loose , but maybe one less pull per " roll, roll, pull" cycle?